Indonesian to English
kolektor /kolektur/ collector of the land tax.
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kolektor barang-barang kunoconservator
kolektor aruscurrent-collector
kolektor bergandadouble commutator
kolektor pemumpun linearlinear focusing collector
kolektor pengambil arusbow current collector
kolektor tetesandrop collector
kolektor uapsteamdome
kolektor-radialradial commutator

Related Word(s)

collector, collectors, locations, repair, roads


Para kolektor, teman-teman, pers,
The collectors, the friends, the press,
Kali ini, kolektor-kolektor saya bukan hanya menghilang,
This time, not only did my collectors disappear,
ketika seorang kolektor seni mencoba menjual koleksinya
when a private collector tries to sell his collection
dan seorang kolektor
and an avid collector of
Goering menganggap dirinya sebagai kolektor seni.
Goering fancied himself a collector of art.
saya seorang kolektor, besar, utama --
I was a collector, major, big-time.
karena saya kolektor besar dari foto-foto
because I was a big collector of snapshot photography
Saya adalah kolektor besar dari rekaman --
I was a big record collector --
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