Indonesian to English
lapisan es coating of ice
lapisan es
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by Xamux Translate
lapisanlyer, stratunt, class, coating, lode, vein

Related Word(s)

caps, glacier, ice


tapi sebuah lapisan es muncul dan seekor anjing laut naik ke atasnya.
But this glacier caved into the water and a seal got on it.
dan mereka menaiki lapisan es besar ini,
and they're riding on this big piece of glacier ice,
Tapi sayangnya, 95 persen lapisan es di Kutub Utara
But unfortunately, 95 percent of the glaciers in the Arctic
sangat dingin. Belahan bumi utara punya lapisan es yang sangat tebal.
getting very cold. The Northern Hemisphere had massive growing ice sheets.
Kota New York, Chicago, Seattle, semua berada di bawah lapisan es.
New York City, Chicago, Seattle, all under a sheet of ice.
Namun mungkin saat itu kita menyadari bahwa lapisan es di Greenland
But maybe on that day we also find that the Greenland ice sheet
Jika 3 persen saja karbon yang terkunci di lapisan es Arktik
If just three percent of the carbon locked up in the arctic permafrost
Lapisan es berkembang dan berkurang.
Ice cover waxed and waned.
Daerah yang berwarna merah adalah lapisan es permanen.
The permanent ice is marked in red.
menembus ribuan kaki lapisan es
plunges thousands of feet deep into the ice
setiap warna menunjukkan bagaimana kondisi di dalam lapisan es
each one showing how conditions at depth in the ice
Sehingga sebagian lapisan es mengapung,
So that ice sheet is partly floating,
Kita menggali lapisan es yang mengapung sedalam seratus meter
We drilled through a hundred meters of floating ice shelf
Jadi kita tahu ada lapisan es di atas.
So we know there's an ice shelf overhead.
adalah daerah Laut Ross, lapisan es ini
is that the Ross Sea region, this ice shelf,
Tidak ada yang membayangkan bahwa lapisan es Antartika Barat
Nobody imagined that the West Antarctic Ice Sheet
adalah saat lapisan es melewati ambang tertentu
is that the ice sheet passed a threshold,
lapisan es menjadi sangat dinamis
that ice sheet became very dynamic
bahwa Antartika Barat, lapisan es di Antartika Barat, mulai mencair.
that West Antarctica, the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, is starting to melt.
Kita pernah melakukannya dengan lapisan es,
We used to do it just with ice cores,
Ada lapisan es di bagian kutub utara dan selatan.
there are polar caps of North Pole and South Pole.
lapisan es di kutub, air di bawah permukaan.
the polar caps, subsurface water;
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