Indonesian to English
lepas free, liberated
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  1. terlepas
    (melekang, mengelupas, menggelekak, menggelopak, rontok, terkupas, tersungkap, coplok, copot, jatuh, melukat, menggelup, potol, puput, tanggal, terbebas, terkecualikan)
  2. independen
  3. mandiri
  4. merdeka
  5. otonom
  6. swapraja
  7. swasembada
  8. bebas
  9. khali
  10. lolos
  11. luput
  12. selamat
  13. sunyi
  14. terhindar
  15. dedel
  16. retas
  17. sobek
  18. bambang
  19. banglas
  20. jelas
  21. lantang
  22. lawah
  23. lapang
  24. leluasa
  25. luas
  26. lawas


  1. terikat
    (terbalut, terbebat, terbelenggu, terbelit, terberkas, terjalin, terkait, terkebat, terkongkong, terkujut, terkurung, terlilit, terpaut, terpikat, tersaur, tersekat, tersimpai, tersimpul, tertambat, tertawan, tergabung, tergolong, terlibat, tersangkut, tertakluk)
  2. tergantung
    (tercantel, tercantol, tergayut, terjemur, terjumbai, terjurai, terkait, tersangkut, terpaut, bergantung, terpulang, terserah, tersila)
lepas dariget out of
lepas dari bahayaout of the woods
lepas dari bahaya; bangkit kembaliover the hump
lepas dari kandangbreaking loose
lepas dari kesulitanoff the hook
lepas dari segala ikatanredeemable of the fetter
lepas landastake-off
lepas pantaioff-shore
lepasan1 graduate, alumnus, alumna. 2 former, ex-.

Related Word(s)

away, bartered, bloody, can, clear, cursed, despite, detach, detached, disjoined, dissociated, escape, escaped, everyone, fall, freelance, go, high, innocent, loose, loosen, loses, missed, off, offshore, open, out, outgrow, regardless, release, remove, rid


tenggelam di lepas pantai Capetown, Afrika Selatan,
sank off the coast of Cape Town, South Africa,
ada batu di permukaannya yang lepas.
that the stones at the surface come off.
empat mil lepas pantai Key Largo,
four miles off the coast of Key Largo,
Dan anda lepas, dan saat anda melihat ekornya
And you let it go, and then right when you see the tail,
mengambang di laut lepas di mana es telah mencair.
floating in the open ocean where the ice has melted out.
sedang berjalanan seratus mil di lepas pantai entah di mana,
were traveling on a ship a hundred miles offshore in the middle of nowhere,
Saya pikir sepatu itu lepas saat ia tertabrak.
I guess the shoes came off when he was hit.
Anda lepas landas dan mendarat di bandara lokal.
You take off and land at a local airport.
yang tidak pernah lepas --
and never let go --
sobek saat lepas landas.
notoriously tear on takeoff.
sekitar 60% pewarna kapas tercuci-lepas menjadi air limbah.
about 60 percent washes off into wastewater.
dan ketika anda lepas tutup matanya.
and then you remove the blindfold.
saat-saat yang sangat monumental, di mana kita, manusia, dapat lepas landas
momentous occasion, where we powered up and took off for the
Lepas dari itu, sangatlah sulit
That said, it's been really hard
saya bakal mengira akan menghabiskan masa lepas-musim
I suspect I would spend my off-season
memiliki pendekatan yang berbeda dengan lepas-musim.
has a slightly different approach to the off-season.
atai Grand Bank lepas pantai Newfoundland. Zona dilarang memancing.
or the Grand Banks off of Newfoundland. It's a no-take fishing zone.
Jika tidak mereka tidak akan pernah lepas dari kemiskinan.
Otherwise they'll never get out of poverty.
ekor pesawat lepas atau kemudi di dalam ekor patah
the tail either came off or steering stuff inside the tail broke
kita akan cepat melepaskan diri dari impor dan benar-benar lepas dari minyak sekitar tahun 2040-an.
we are rapidly off imports and completely off oil in the 2040s.
Anak-anak kita merasa bahwa kita lepas kendali.
Our children sense we're out of control.
Anda lepas sepatu Anda, Anda lepas dari stres,
you get rid of the shoes, you get rid of the stress,
Anda lepas dari cedera dan masalah-masalah Anda.
you get rid of the injuries and the ailments.
dan akhirnya jahitannya akan lepas --
and eventually the seams would probably fall apart --
Pria 5: Lepas!
Man 5: Go!
Tak lama, bisnis saya mulai lepas landas.
Soon, my business really started to take off.
di lepas pantraai Islandia Utara
off the coast of northern Iceland
dan tinggal di bawah air, seperti di lepas pantai Florida Keys ini
and lived in underwater habitats, like this one off the Florida Keys,
Jesus Melendez: Kita pergi, dan bersamaan dengan saat kita lepas landas,
Jesus Melendez: We took off, and as we were ascending,
Di lepas pantai Kalifornia, ada ini.
Off the coast of California comes this:
Menyelam enam mil lepas pantai pada kedalaman 1250 kaki.
It was six miles offshore and 1,250 feet down.
Saya sedang bekerja untuk menyelesaikan tugas penulisan lepas
I was working on my computer trying to finish a freelance writing assignment,
adalah karena si cumi-cumi ini hidup di daerah lepas pantai Hawaii,
is that this little squid lives just off the coast of Hawaii,
Pada pergantian abad, Internet lepas landas,
At the turn of the century, the Internet takes off,
Jadi, ide kesucian ini, lepas dari ada atau tidak adanya Tuhan.
So, this idea of sacredness, whether or not there is a God.
Awalnya dirancang untuk digunakan oleh tambang minyak lepas pantai
It was actually developed for use by the offshore oil industry
yang telah berhasil lepas dari tubuh Tasmanian devil pertama
that have broken free of that first devil's body
Hal ini membuat kita dapat mengatur waktu lepas obat
And so this allows for a controlled delivery of drugs
Menabrak ke depan. Memantul di landasan. Akhirnya lepas landas.
Rammed it forwards. Bounced down the runway. Just took off.
lepas pantai Baja California.
off the coast of Baja California.
yaitu "kecepatan lepas untuk panjang umur."
which is "longevity escape velocity."
yang memungkinkan kita mencapai kecepatan lepas?
that will allow us to get to escape velocity?
dapat disebut peremajaan manusia tangguh atau kecepatan lepas untuk panjang umur.
equivalently call either robust human rejuvenation or longevity escape velocity.
di lepas pantai Santorini, di mana orang-orang berjemur di pantai.
working off Santorini, where people are sunning themselves on the beach,
Kami mungkin akan menemukan rongsokan kapal kuno, peradaban kuno di lepas pantai Brazil,
We're going to discover an ancient shipwreck, a Phoenician off Brazil,
untuk lepas dari reaktor ini.
to leave this reactor.
Dan saat kami lepas landas
And as we took off down the runway,
Partikel nano yang lepas. Hal yang menarik bagi saya
Loose nanoparticles. What is really interesting to me
lepas pantai Italia, di Pulau Sardinia.
off the coast of Italy, on the island of Sardinia.
di lepas pantai secara teori, atau Anda dapat membaginya.
offshore theoretically, or you can split it up.
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