Indonesian to English
literatur literature.
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  1. kesusastraan
  2. seni sastra
  3. bibliografi
  4. daftar bacaan
  5. daftar pustaka
  6. kepustakaan
  7. pustaka acuan
  8. referensi
literatur perananrole literature
literatur tekniktechnical-journal
creative writing of recognized artistic value
kreatif penulisan nilai seni diakui
source: WordNet 3.0

Related Word(s)

literary, literature


Saya lakukan riset literatur
I started to research scientific literature
telah membaca literatur antropologi,
read through the literature on anthropology,
Dan literatur Bronx,
And Bronx literature,
dari suatu literatur Inggris. Saya ingin berbagi dengan singkat
in English literature. I want to share briefly
Ketika Anda berbicara tentang pendidikan dan teknologi, saya menemukan di literatur bahwa
When you take education and technology, then I find in the literature that,
Literatur - khususnya, literatur ilmu pengetahuan,
The literature -- one part of it, the scientific literature --
Bila anda membaca literatur itu, salah satu hal
And if you read that literature, one of the things
dari angka itu di literatur,
for the original reference for that number,
bahkan pada literatur populer, satu-satunya buku yang saya temukan
Even in popular literature, the only book I've ever found --
tentang film, mungkin tentang literatur.
about movies, probably about literature.
Yang saya lakukan adalah mengakses literatur sastra.
Well, what I did with that was to access the linguistics literature.
arsip semua literatur medis,
the archive of all the medical literature,
dan saya membaca literatur tentang radiologi,
and I reviewed the radiology literature,
meninjau literatur pencitraan mamografi yang ada di dunia
reviewed the world's mammography screening literature
pada literatur radiologi,
in the radiology literature,
dalam literatur Budha, kata mereka, ooh, siapa yang benar benar ingin menjadi welas asih?
in the Buddhist literature, they say, "Oh who would really want to be compassionate?
Saya mencoba membaca dan mengerti semua literatur yang ada.
I hope I try to go out of my way to try and read and understand all the literature.
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