Indonesian to English
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by Xamux Translate


  1. bebas
    (berdikari, independen, langgas, lapang, lega, leluasa, lepas, los, lucut, manasuka, mandiri, merdeka, sesuka hati, sukarela, otonom, sendiri, swapraja, swasembada, swatantra, informal, longgar, permisif, rileks, santai, terbuka, khali, lolos, luput, selamat, sunyi, terhindar, cuma-cuma, gratis, percuma)
  2. khali
  3. lolos
  4. selamat
  5. sunyi
  6. terhindar
  7. terlepas
  8. tersiah
  9. luncas
  10. melenceng
  11. meleset
  12. sipi
  13. hilang
  14. lepas
  15. terlewat
luput daripadarid of

Related Word(s)

accordance, ahead, compact, control, count, encountered, encourage, escape, escaped, excluded, fool, frustrate, get, go, helped, hidden, hide, left, losses, missed, missing, neglectful, out, outrunners, pass, perception, preserved, recorded, responded, yes


Saya memperhatikan banyak hal kecil yang luput dari kebanyakan orang
I noticed a lot of little things that most people don't notice
yang tidak luput dari masalah umum keluarga Amerika.
with their share of regular American family problems.
yang luput dicantumkan dalam buku program kami.
that we have not written in the program book.
Namun terkadang ada yang luput.
But occasionally we miss something.
Kostum juga tidak luput dijiplak
Can't copyright a costume either.
Eropa juga tidak luput.
Europe was not spared either.
tidak dapat luput dari komputasi yang tidak dapat dijabarkan,
is inevitably full of computational irreducibility.
karena luput menafsirkan kanker payudara
over missed breast cancer
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