Indonesian to English
masih harus yet must
masih harus
please wait
by Xamux Translate
harushave to, must

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dan anak perempuan masih harus terus belajar keras
and that girls have continued to struggle
Sebenarnya, contoh ini masih harus didinginkan
Actually, it still has to cool down first
yang masih harus mengalami proses (perusakan) itu
that still have to go through that process.
namun kita masih harus memperjuangkannya.
but we still have to fight it.
Kami rasa kami masih harus meneliti beberapa ratus lagi
And we thought we'd probably have to look at several hundred
walaupun kita masih harus mengekstraksi
despite the fact that we have yet to extract
menjadi sekitar 10 persen yang masih harus dibius.
to something like 10 percent of the kids needing to be sedated.
dan Anda masih harus mengatur tempat penampungan --
and still you have to manage the camp --
dan saya masih harus terus berbicara dalam Bahasa Inggris.
and I still have to speak English constantly.
Tetapi mereka masih harus belanja tiap hari,
But the women still had to shop every day,
Namun biayanya masih harus diturunkan lagi.
But the cost has to be brought right down.
Saya masih harus bertanya kepada Anda,
I still have to ask you the question,
tubuhnya masih harus menyesuaikan dengan beban
whose bodies were still adjusting to the burden
Kami masih harus menyelesaikan kajian pencitraan menggunakan dosis rendah
We still need to complete the screening study using the low dose,
Namun kita masih harus banyak belajar untuk mendapatkan energi matahari
But we have a lot of knowledge to gain before we can make solar
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