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also, altogether, and, anyone, as, asked, belongeth, blessed, both, brought, channels, complain, construction, declaration, deities, different, even, external, falsehood, glory, governments, happiness, management, men, mindful, nearer, negative, neither


Saya melihat orang-orang yang beragama maupun tidak
I saw that people who were religious and non-religious
Untuk masa-masa senang maupun susah,
For good and for ill,
maupun kegagalan kita.
and our failures.
baik verbal maupun tertulis, seumur hidup mereka.
whether verbal or written, all their lives.
Itu dapat mempengaruhi baik sirkuit normal maupun abnormal yang ingin Anda perbaiki.
And it also will affect normal circuits as well as the abnormal ones that you want to fix.
di tingkat nasional maupun internasional.
at the national and international level.
tak maupun memberikan nafkah.
unable to provide.
baik laki-laki, perempuan maupun anak-anak.
to every man, woman and child on this planet.
tanpa menggunakan paku maupun sekrup.
It has no nails or screws.
baik dalam skala maupun pentingnya.
in both scale and importance.
maupun dari cahaya atau apapun.
or light pollution or whatever.
baik bagi bonobo maupun manusia.
in both bonobos and humans.
perancangan cerdas, secara langsung maupun tidak --
intelligent design, direct and indirect --
baik secara emosional maupun finansial."
emotionally or financially."
Artinya bahwa baik di dalam maupun di atas tanah
That means that both in the ground and above the ground
apa yang orang-orang minum -- baik kalangan elit maupun orang kebanyakan --
what people drank -- both elite and mass folks drank --
Misalnya, baik Kristus maupun Buddha
For example, both the Christ and the Buddha
Simpanse tidak membunuh maupun punya penjara atau kamp tawanan.
Chimpanzees don't have slaughterhouses and prisons and concentration camps.
maupun efek biologis tentang homo sapien.
they are not some biological effect about homo sapiens.
LSM, maupun sang Ratu sekalipun, kemarin, di Irlandia Utara,
NGOs, or even the Queen yesterday, in Northern Ireland,
maupun para lawan bicara mereka. Saat
and for the interlocutors. On one occasion
untuk meletakkan kita semua dalam satu bidang persamaan maupun lainnya.
to put us all on a common field of one fashion or another.
Baik data historis maupun data saat ini.
That's both historical as well as real data.
baik di dalam negeri maupun internasional.
both domestically and internationally, ever recorded.
maupun spesialis. Saya hanya seorang pencerita."
nor am I specialist. I am merely a storyteller."
Tidak ada ember maupun kotak..
They don't have a bucket or a box.
atau membuat mobil efisien dan berhenti mengimport minyak maupun mobil?
or will we make efficient cars and import neither the oil nor the cars?
Dan kebijakan ini dapat berjalan lancar tanpa pajak, subsidi maupun pemberian wewenang.
And these policies work fine without taxes, subsidies or mandates.
tanpa mempengaruhi sama sekali kebutuhan air maupun tanah untuk produksi pangan.
without interfering at all with the water or land needs of crop production.
yang berevolusi, secara budaya maupun biologis,
evolved both by cultural and biological evolution
dan membatasi mereka yang berada di bawah, wanita, maupun orang yang bukan golongannya.
and restrictive to those at the bottom, to women, to people that don't fit in.
maupun kebebasan mereka, semuanya harus diperhitungkan dalam hak-hak mereka."
as well as their liberties, are to be reckoned among their rights."
baik pembicara maupun peserta, dan saya juga termasuk di dalamnya.
for both speakers and attendees, and I am no exception.
baik oleh nona Smith maupun ibu mereka masing-masing,
whether by Miss Smith or their mothers,
maupun hubungan mereka.
and their relationships.
maupun bidang penting lainnya.
other critical areas.
akan memajukan baik pria maupun wanita.
is going to advance the field for women and men.
politik maupun mental,
and political and mental,
melakukan hal-hal yang bagi mereka tidak mengharapkan ketenaran maupun kekayaan,
doing things for which many of them didn't expect either fame or fortune,
bukan dalam bentuk garis-garis maupun klip-klip gambar
not in terms of line art or clip art
maupun dahulu kala.
and barely did then.
Dan semuanya, baik yucca maupun semak Creosote,
And both of these, the yucca and the Creosote bush,
di mana kita baik sengaja maupun tidak seringkali
one that -- whether we intentionally or unintentionally --
Sebenarnya baik aturan maupun insentif
The truth is that neither rules nor incentives
yang merangsang dan memelihara baik kecakapan moral maupun kemauan moral.
that encourage and nurture both moral skill and moral will.
Jadi, kami membuat baik kesunyian maupun suara.
So, we create silence as much as we create sound.
maupun kepentingan dunia.
as well as the self-interest of the world.
baik hewan maupun manusia.
either animals or people.
maupun melawan agensi intelijen,
or against intelligence agencies,
Jadi, perusahaan itu tidak memiliki sumber daya maupun dorongan
So it has neither the resources, nor the incentives,
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