Indonesian to English
melanda see "landa"
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melandakan1 crash or ram s.t. into s.t. 2 pound, overwhelm (of storms, fire, etc.).
melandasibase s.t. on.

Related Word(s)

afflicting, attack, attacked, attacking, besetting, blew, broken, burned, capital, down, engulfed, happen, happened, hit, hits, moment, occur, occurred, passes, plagues, provide, razed, rushes, strikes, struck, sweeping, swept


dan keputusasaan mulai melanda ruangan.
and despair just settled over the room.
melanda perumahan kelas imigran di Paris.
had broken into the first projects of Paris.
Setiap badai yang melanda atmosfer
Each storm scours the atmosphere,
yang melanda Timur Tengah pada saat ini
that is sweeping the Middle East at this moment in time
Ini adalah sesuatu yang melanda seluruh Web.
This is something that's sweeping the Web.
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