Indonesian to English
memonitor monitor
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  1. memantau
  2. memperhatikan
  3. mengamati
  4. mengawasi
  5. mengecek
  6. mengobservasi
  7. mengontrol
  8. meninjau
  9. mengaudit

Related Word(s)

adb, monitor, monitored, monitoring, monitors, observe, supervises, track


Dan kami memonitor setiap batang pohon tersebut dengan menggunakan satelit.
And we have monitored every single one of those trees from space.
dan memonitor kondisi mutu air saat berubah.
and to monitor water quality conditions as they unfold.
Akan memakan waktu bertahun-tahun untuk menyempurnakan dan memonitor
It's going to take years of tuning and monitoring this technology
untuk memonitor dan memetakan seluruh tempat ini.
in order to monitor and map the whole place.
ia tidak punya perhatian tersisa yang cukup untuk memonitor
he doesn't have enough attention left over to monitor
dalam kemampuan unik manusia untuk memonitor waktu --
in the uniquely human ability to monitor time --
memonitor orang asing.
to monitor foreigners.
Mereka dapat memonitor orang-orang asing
They can monitor foreigners
untuk membantunya memonitor aliran gas
to help her monitor the flows of the gas
sehingga kami dapat memonitor aktivitas listrik
so that we can monitor the electrical activity
Ketika mereka memonitor clickstream anda --
When they're monitoring your clickstream --
kita bisa memonitor aliran
you can actually monitor the flow
kami bisa memonitor,
that we could actually do this monitoring,
tahun ini kami memonitor 50.000 ladang biji kapas di India.
this year we will monitor 50,000 cottonseed farms in India.
Kami memonitor PO2 dalam darahnya, denyut jantungnya, tekanan darahnya.
We were monitoring his PO2 of his blood, his heart rate, his blood pressure.
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