Indonesian to English
menyusul follow
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menyusul ketinggalan; mengikat dengan pitacatch up
menyusulifollow on

Related Word(s)

after, because, due, follow, followed, following, follows, hastened, join, joined, line, overtake, overtakes, overtook, pursued, remain, respond, since, stock


menyusul kesuksesan
following a very successful
Bukannya menyerah, dia secepat kilat menyusul orang terdepan dan menang,
instead of losing, she blazes past the lead pack and wins,
Tapi mereka menanjak, dan India berusaha untuk menyusul.
But they went up here, and India was trying to follow.
Dan mereka menyusul memang.
And they were catching up indeed.
Dan disini mereka terus bergerak maju. Dan mampukah mereka menyusul?
And here they march on. And will they catch up?
Kapankah [India dan Cina] akan menyusul? Saya harus kembali ke grafik yang tradisional.
When will it catch up? I have to go back to very conventional graph.
Sekarang, pertanyaannya adalah, "Kapankah [India dan Cina] akan berhasil menyusul?"
Now, the question is, "When will the catch up take place?"
Jepang bergerak seperti ini, sampai berhasil menyusul,
Japan did it like this, until full catch up,
mulai menyusul.
is really starting to catch on.
dan Cina hampir menyusul Jerman.
and China is just about to overtake Germany.
Dan orang Cina tidak akan menyusul atau melewati orang Amerika,
And that the Chinese won't catch up or pass the Americans
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