Indonesian to English
merekam record
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merekam dan melaporkanrecording and reporting
merekam sebelumnyaprerecord

Related Word(s)

burn, capture, film, filmed, might, movie, reading, record, recorded, recording, records, rolling, running, shoot, taking, taped, videotape


dimana anak-anak belajar merekam musik mereka sendiri
where the children recorded their own music
tapi tak merekam video.
but she didn't record a video.
merekam saya sembari berbicara
is recording me as I'm talking
Jadi kami dapat merekam informasi dan lalu memasukkannya kembali --
So we can record information and then drive information back in --
Jadi kita akan membayangkan bahwa kita merekam sebuah neuron
So we're going to imagine we're recording from a single neuron
Dan jika kita merekam dari neuron-neuron lainnya,
And if we record from lots of different neurons,
Dan jika Anda merekam dari beberapa sel grid --
And if you record from several grid cells --
kami merekam tanggapan dari retina
we recorded the responses from the retinas
dan merekam apa yang dilihat
in time from these recordings and asked,
dan merekam mereka dalam video
and videotaped everyone
Dan dia merekam semua pembicaraan-pembicaraan tersebut
And he recorded all of these conversations
dan mereka mulai merekam setiap bleep-bleep kecil.
and they start recording these little bleep, bleeps.
mikrofon dan kamera yang merekam apa yang saya katakan.
this microphone and these cameras, which are recording what I'm saying.
Dan selama setahun ke depan, saya merekam 40 teman saya yang lain
So over the next year, I documented 40 of my other friends
Saya sudah merekam cukup episode
I had pre-taped enough shows
yang merekam suara asli di studio terkontrol.
recording original words in a control booth.
Katanya, dia merekam berjam-jam menggunakan berbagai intonasi
He said he recorded many long hours in various intonations
untuk merekam, menyunting,
to record, edit,
mereka terkadang merekam ulang 50 atau 60 kali
that they sometimes recorded 50 or 60 different takes
Saya merekam 44.000 anak muda.
I've recorded 44,000 young people.
Saya merekam sekitar 900 jam pemikiran mereka.
I've recorded about 900 hours of their thoughts.
untuk mendengar dan merekam kisah-kisah ini,
to listen to these stories and record them,
merekam waktu yang diperlukan bagi sinar itu
recording the time it takes for the light
yang merekam bayi
to record babies
Jadi untuk pertama kami mampu merekam
So for the first time we've actually been able to record
merekam suara dalam jumlah besar dari seluruh dunia
to record a very large number of voices worldwide
merekam suara mereka, dan dokter mereka dapat memeriksa
record their voice, and then their doctor can check up
yang merekam pemandangan di luar rumahnya di Taman Nasional Yosemite.
that he had shot outside his home in Yosemite National Park.
Apabila Anda memiliki kesempatan untuk merekam diri Anda sendiri
You'll notice this if you ever have occasion to record
Mereka tidak hanya merekam sejarah, mereka membantu mengganti alur sejarah.
They not only recorded history -- they helped change the course of history.
dan merekam semua kegiatan mereka.
and recorded their every movement.
Anda dapat merekam kejahatan kemanusiaan di Suriah.
you can shoot a crime against humanity in Syria.
Anda dapat merekam lagu, mengunggahnya ke
you can record a song, load it up to
karena Anda merekam naskah hidup saya.
because this is my life you are protocoling.
Bayangkan jika Anda bisa merekam kehidupan Anda --
Imagine if you could record your life --
kami merekam delapan hinggal 10 jam sehari,
we recorded eight to 10 hours a day,
untuk merekam gambar video di raungan apapun.
of videographing just about any space.
dan merekam aktivitas sel saraf sendiri-sendiri di dalam otak.
and actually record the activity of individual nerve cells in the brain.
Pada dasarnya, saya merekam satu detik dari kehidupan saya
Basically I'm recording one second of every day of my life
saya mungkin akan lupa merekam videonya.
I would probably forget to record the video.
Jadi -- saya sangat kecewa saat pertama kali lupa merekam video ini
So the day -- the first time that I forgot, it really hurt me,
merekam seluruh konser itu dan mengganggu Anda.
recording the whole concert, and they're disturbing you.
yaitu bahwa merekam satu detik dalam hari naas itu
is that recording that one second on a really bad day
Itu -- kita cenderung mengambil kamera untuk merekam ketika kita melakukan hal-hal luar biasa.
It's not -- we tend to take our cameras out when we're doing awesome things.
untuk merekam satu detik dari peristiwa tragis itu.
to record even just that one second of a really bad moment.
adalah merekam apa yang saya lihat.
was to record it as I actually saw it.
dan saya mendorong Anda untuk merekam irisan kecil dari hidup Anda setiap hari
and I encourage you all to record just a small snippet of your life every day,
kami merekam ini.
we recorded this:
Jadi Red List sangat penting untuk merekam
And so the Red List is really important, keep track of
dan Green List akan merekam spesies yang dalam kondisi baik, terima kasih,
and the Green List will have species that are doing fine, thank you,
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