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meremehkan menyamakannot to care a rap

Related Word(s)

awhile, belittle, belittling, big, condescending, contemptuous, contemptuously, deeds, devalued, disdain, disdained, disdainful, disdainfully, disparage, disparaging, disparagingly, kid, patronizing, play, portion, rejected, share, slighting, talk, trifle


dan meremehkan etika kami.
and underestimate our ethics.
meremehkan tumbuhan adalah sesuatu
this underestimation of plants is something
Dan jangan meremehkan diri sendiri,
And don't kid yourself:
Dia berkata, "Kamu tidak bisa meremehkan kemampuan metode ini."
He said, "You can't underestimate the power of doing this."
meremehkan orang lain yang tidak sependapat dengan kita.
we can be dismissive of anyone who doesn't agree with us.
dia telah membuat pernyataan meremehkan,
he made a big understatement,
Publik cenderung meremehkan betapa sulitnya hal-hal yang ilmiah.
The public tends to underestimate how difficult scientific things are.
kita meremehkan diri sendiri
we have underestimated ourselves
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