Indonesian to English
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  1. berlebih-lebihan
  2. glamor
  3. kaya
  4. lewah
  5. melimpah ruah
  6. penuh ruah


  1. sederhana
    (biasa, elementer, sedang, enteng, gampang, lugas, mudah, simpel)

Related Word(s)

among, clover, ease, extravagance, extravagant, extravagantly, fancy, given, good, its, lavish, lavishly, luxuriant, luxuries, luxurious, luxuriously, luxury, mansion, ones, opulent, ostentatious, pleasures, plush, regal, rich, ripe, sophisticated, upscale


nilai yang sama seperti yang diraih oleh anak-anak sekolah mewah di Delhi
which is what the posh schools of New Delhi,
karena dalam lingkungan tertentu memiliki sebuah mobil mewah bisa diterima secara sosial,
because in certain neighborhoods it's socially acceptable to have a luxury car,
kami memiliki jalur khusus sepeda dan pejalan kaki yang mewah,
we have a luxury pedestrian bicycle street,
yang mungkin merupakan bentuk yang mewah,
where they might be a fancy shape,
Saya tidak memiliki alat elektronik paling mewah di rumah.
I don't have the fanciest gadgets at home.
bukan barang mewah.
They are not luxuries.
benda empuk mewah ini,
these fancy cushioned things,
sarung tangan kulit yang mewah dan halus.
luxuriously soft gloved-hand leather.
Karena resep hamburger kami, resep hamburger kami yang paling mewah,
Because our hamburger recipe, our ultimate hamburger recipe,
adalah barang mewah
are really a luxury
atau kakak anda, yang luar biasa mewah.
or your big brother, and they're very glamorous.
Perusahaan ini, Shinola, adalah perusahaan arloji mewah
This company, Shinola, which is a luxury watch
dengan beragam perancang mewah disana,
and you have a lot of luxury designers there,
Salah satu makanan mewah yang paling mahal per satuan beratnya di dunia.
One of the most expensive luxury foods by weight in the world.
Laptop adalah barang mewah, seperti memberikan mereka iPod. Tidak.
Laptops are a luxury; it's like giving them iPods. No.
Semua barang mewah itu
All those expensive items
bagi barang-barang mewah --
for luxury brands --
Jadi, semacam kacamata yang mewah untuk teleskop anda.
So, it's kind of like very fancy eyeglasses for your telescope.
yang terdengar sangat mewah dan menarik.
which sounds very glamorous and exciting.
Mereka mewah, kaya, dan kemungkinan kecil bekerja di lapangan,
They are posh, they're wealthy, they're less likely to have outdoor jobs,
memakai pakaian beludru, sutra, bulu, bahan yang sangat mewah.
wore velvet, silk, fur, very sumptuous materials.
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