Indonesian to English
milimeter millimeter.
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a metric unit of length equal to one thousandth of a meter
satuan metrik panjang sama dengan seperseribu meter
source: WordNet 3.0

Related Word(s)

millimeter, millimeters, millimetres, mm


Anda akan mendapat tonjolan seukuran 1 milimeter.
you would be left with bumps that are one millimeter high.
Kurang dari satu milimeter.
it's less than one millimeter.
dengan ketepatan 2 hingga 3 milimeter.
two to three millimeter accuracy.
Kami menargetkan ketepatan hingga milimeter
We're looking at millimeter accuracy
Itu sekitar 1/50 dari satu milimeter.
That's about a 50th of a millimeter.
Jadi mungkin saja ada alam semesta lain sekian milimeter dari kita,
So there could be another universe just a millimeter away from ours,
namun kita tidak tahu karena milimeter itu
but we're not aware of it because that millimeter
Saya harus menggeser bagian itu, tapi hanya 1 milimeter
I've had to move that part across, but only a millimeter.
Saya menggeser 3 bagian sejauh 1 milimeter
I moved three things by a millimeter.
1 milimeter lagi?
Another millimeter?
dan 5 milimeter hingga sepertiga milimeter.
from five millimeters to one-third of a millimeter.
175 film negatif 16 milimeter,
175 films, my 16-millimeter negative,
Maksud saya, ini adalah film 16 milimeter.
I mean, this was 16-millimeter safety film.
salah satunya berukuran 3 milimeter.
one is small as three millimeters.
atau dua milimeter,
two millimeters long,
satu atau dua milimeter, tidak lebih,
one millimeter, two millimeters long, not more than that,
sama, panjangnya dua milimeter, ramping
again, two millimeters long, slender,
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