Indonesian to English
musa Moses.
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musababsee SEBAB.
musabaqah/musabaqoh/ contest for reciting the Koran.
musafir, pelancongwayfarer
musallasee MUSHOLLA.
musawarahsee MUSYAWARAH.
(Old Testament) the Hebrew prophet who led the Israelites from Egypt across the Red sea on a journey known as the Exodus; Moses received the Ten Commandments from God on Mount Sinai
(Perjanjian Lama) nabi Ibrani yang memimpin bangsa Israel dari Mesir di laut Merah pada perjalanan yang dikenal sebagai Keluaran, Musa menerima Sepuluh Perintah dari Allah di Gunung Sinai
source: WordNet 3.0

Related Word(s)

account, came, farthest, gave, giants, he, him, infant, misled, moosa, mosaic, moses, mount, mountain, o, reform, reward, right, said, sets, should, spoke, tempted, then, there, took, tried, violent, walking, wouldst


tapi ia dikirim di dalam sebuah tabung, hampir sama seperti Musa di sungai Nil.
but he's sent in a pod, much like Moses was on the Nile.
mulai dari Adam, Nuh, Musa, hingga Ibrahim,
beginning with Adam, including Noah, including Moses, including Abraham,
Ada sebuah kutipan dari Musa
There's a quote from Moses
Saya agak terlihat seperti Musa, atau Ted Kaczynski.
I look a little like Moses, or Ted Kaczynski.
seperti Abraham (Ibrahim), Musa,
like Abraham, Moses,
Dia ingin menjadi Musa, memberikan kami demokrasi.
He wanted to be a Moses here, he gave us democracy.
Salah satu favoritnya adalah Musa
Some of his favorites were Moses,
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