Indonesian to English
naik turun up and down
naik turun
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menggerak-gerakkan tangan mereka naik turun.
and moving their arms up and down each other.
juga naik turun.
are moving up and down.
Dinginnya naik turun, dan mulai bertambah lagi sekitar 70.000 tahun lalu.
It went up and down, and it really started to accelerate around 70,000 years ago.
Di garis itu, saya lalu menenun bacaan yang naik turun,
On that grid, I can then weave the high tide readings,
bahwa banyak orang di ruangan ini telah melalui naik turun yg serupa --
that a lot of people in this room have been through a similar kind of rollercoaster --
dia akan menyebabkan kristal-kristal bergerak naik turun.
it would cause the crystals to move up and down.
Lensanya di sini. Kertas di sana. Dia menggerakkannya naik turun.
The lens was here. The piece of paper was there. He moved it up and down.
naik turun melintasi pegunungan Himalaya.
up and down the Himalaya Mountains.
Garis ini bergerak naik turun.
They move; they go up, they go down.
secara mendatar, tegak lurus, naik turun dalam tulang belakang --
laterally, vertically, up and down in the spinal cord --
dan permukaan laut naik turun, enam meter setiap saat.
and sea level went up and down, six meters at a time.
tetapi dua jam yang menyiksa naik turun angkutan umum
it's a two-hour ordeal of piecing together bits of public transit
Di sana bus-bus naik turun melewati gundukan salju
They actually have these buses that drive up and over the lateral moraine
pengetahuan akan tingkat mental mereka yang naik turun
insights into their own fluctuating mental states,
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