Indonesian to English
ngomong see OMONG.
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ngomong-ngomongsee "beromong-omong"

Related Word(s)

anyway, speak, talk


CL: Ini sedang direkam di dalam scanner, ngomomong - ngomong.
CL: That was recorded in the scanner, by the way.
Maaf, ngomong-ngomong ini ibu saya
Sorry, this was my mother, by the way,
Tapi, ngomong-ngomong kopinya juga panas,
But also, by the way, the coffee is hot,
Dan ngomong - ngomong tentang desain,
And speaking of design,
Dan, ngomong-ngomong, sekarang setelah kita punya
And, by the way, now we are capable
Ngomong - ngomong, jika Anda berpikir bahwa Anda berada sangat jauh dari sumber minyak bumi ini
Oh, by the way, if you think you're very far from some of this oil,
dan ini, ngomong-ngomong, angka-angkanya
and this is, by the way, all the figures
dan sekitar dua tahun kemudian -- ngomong-ngomong ini mengukur kemampuan operasi floating point komputer
and about two years later -- this, by the way, is measuring the trillion floating-point
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