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novel novel
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book, jrr, novels


Ini adalah novel realis ajaib.
It's a magical realist novel.
bayangkan novel Harry Potter, oke?
think about the Harry Potter novels, okay?
Ini adalah novel Harry Potter yang pertama.
This is the first Harry Potter novel.
Ini adalah keseluruhan tujuh novel Harry Potter,
This is all seven Harry Potter novels,
seluruh seri novel Harry Potter dan ditambah separuhnya.
the length of the Harry Potter novels and half again.
Dan sekarang saya dapat memindai novel terbaru
And now I can scan the latest novel
Saya suka pulang ke rumah dan membaca sebuah novel
I love to come home and read a racy novel
novel bekas dari toko buku bekas di Seattle.
a used paperback from a secondhand bookstore in Seattle.
Dan dia membaca banyak novel,
And she read so many novels,
begitu banyak macam novel.
so many different novels here.
bisa-bisanya terpesona dengan benda dari novel Hammett,
to fall in love with an object from a Hammett novel,
yang sedang mengerjakan sebuah novel -- kita juga memilki anak-anak yang berbakat.
actually working on a novel -- because we had very gifted kids, too.
saat membaca novel,
while reading novels,
Pada awal usia 20-an, saya membuat beberapa novel grafis,
In my early 20s, I did some graphic novels,
tetapi novel-novel tersebut bukanlah novel grafis yang biasa.
but they weren't your usual graphic novels.
Novel-novel tersebut menceritakan kisah fiksi ilmiah
They were books telling a science fiction story
Akhir yang menarik, seperti novel O. Henry, jadi saya tidak akan merusaknya untuk anda.
It's a very exciting twist ending, like an O. Henry novel, so I won't ruin it.
"The Grapes of Wrath." (Novel tentang warga Oklahoma yang bermigrasi ke California untuk bekerja sebagai pemetik anggur - Ed.)
"The Grapes of Wrath."
adalah novel terbaik yang pernah dia tulis.
were the best novel he had ever written.
Jadi jika sebuah novel dapat dirangkum dalam 6 kata
So if a novel can be put into six words
Ia bukan berbicara mengenai bila sebuah novel bernilai 24,95 Dollar
And he wasn't talking about whether the novel costs 24.95 [dollars],
menulis novel.
writing novels --
di mana saya menulis berberapa novel saya.
where I wrote several of my novels.
Tapi selagi kita membaca novel yang bagus,
but when we are reading a good novel,
Saat novel bahasa Inggris pertama saya terbit di Amerika,
When my first novel written in English came out in America,
Novel saya ini berlatar belakang sebuah kampus di Boston,
Now the novel took place on a university campus in Boston,
Yang dia cari di novel itu adalah seorang wanita Turki
He was looking for a Turkish woman in the book
karena kata-kata yang diucapkan para tokoh di dalam novel saya.
for the words my fictional characters uttered in a novel.
novel yang membangun dan bersifat mendalam
a constructive, multi-layered novel
dan saya yakin ada banyak novel politik yang bagus,
and there are good political novels out there,
tetap membaca sebuah novel karya penulis Yahudi,
still reads a novel by a Jewish author,
Dan di novel yang selanjutnya, saya bisa saja menulis
and in my next book, I might write
dari novel "Lolita".
from the novel "Lolita."
selama 150 tahun orang mencetak novel porno
we got erotic novels 150 years
novel Jane Austen,
a Jane Austen novel,
seperti otopsi atau pembalseman di novel Isabel Allenda
like autopsies and embalmings in Isabel Allende's
Saya menulis sebuah novel mengenai gadis itu,
I've written an entire novel about her,
"Budaya abad 19 didefinisikan oleh novel,
"The 19th century culture was defined by the novel,
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