Indonesian to English
pelecehan insulting
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Related Word(s)

abuse, abused, assault, charge, contempt, harassment, issue, molestation, vilification


Kami mempelajari wanita yang mengalami pelecehan seksual
So we've studied sexually abused women,
Dia mengalami pelecehan seksual di kamp pelatihan
She was actually sexually assaulted in boot camp
Pada titik itu, gandum telah mengalami pelecehan amat sangat.
And at that point, the wheat has suffered the ultimate indignity.
Saya harap pelecehan seksual dan eksploitasi di sekolah-sekolah dapat berhenti."
I wish that sexual abuse and exploitation in schools would stop."
Semua terdakwa pelaku pelecehan anak-anak
All convicted child molesters
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