Indonesian to English
pencegahan prevention, combating
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pencegahan asapsmokeprevention
pencegahan kebakaranfiring prevention
pencegahan khususparticular prevention

Related Word(s)

eradication, precaution, precautionary, precautions, preemptive, prevent, preventing, prevention, preventions, preventive


satu adalah penanggulangan, dan satu lagi adalah pencegahan.
One is treatment; the other one is prevention.
Dan penanggulangan sangat, sangat lebih mahal dari pencegahan.
And treatment is much, much more expensive than prevention.
dengan berinvestasi di pencegahan.
by investing in prevention.
dan 10 kali lebih baik dibanding pencegahan.
and 10 times as much good in prevention.
Jadi, kita fokus pada pencegahan ketimbang penanggulangan,
So again, what we focus on is prevention rather than treatment,
Omong-omong, seluruh tindak pencegahan
And by the way, all those precautions
kita mengambil tindakan pencegahan
to take preventive action,
Jadi, apabila dia tidak berinvestasi di pencegahan efektif,
So, if she didn't invest in effective prevention,
beberapa langkah pencegahan tersebut gagal
these few prevention failures
karena, sebenarnya, pengobatannya adalah pencegahan efektif
because, actually, treatment is effective prevention
Sekarang, saya berkata, oh, strategi pencegahan yang sangat bagus
Now, am I saying, "Oh, well, great prevention strategy.
adalah satu-satunya langkah pencegahan yang kita perlukan.
is all the prevention we need.
Itu berarti dengan melakukan lebih banyak pencegahan, berarti lebih banyak pengobatan
It means we need to be doing more prevention the more treatment we have.
untuk alasan efektivitas pertempuran dan pencegahan konflik,
for its own reasons of combat effectiveness and preventing conflict,
Itu adalah langkah pencegahan
Now that is prevention
dari pencegahan penyakit, kesehatan umum, kualitas hidup.
in disease prevention, general health, the quality of life.
baik pencegahan banjir maupun pengendalian kekeringan dari hutan,
whether it's flood prevention or drought control provided by the forests,
Manusia berpikir tentang kesehatan kita dengan cara pencegahan.
Humans think about our own health in a prospective way.
Dan kita dapat pergi dan mencoba mengusahakan pencegahan.
And we can go and we can try to have pre-emptive preventive measures there.
sama seperti suksesnya pencegahan
as much as the successful prevention
pencegahan dan pemecahanya
their prevention and settlement
atau pencegahan untuk kesehatan.
or health prevention.
kenyataannya, itu adalah tindakan pencegahan
but in reality, it is a preemptive measure
benar-benar mempertimbangkan untuk melancarkan serangan pencegahan
were considering the possibility of preemptive attacks
Dan serangan pencegahan ini
And these preemptive attacks
berdasarkan prisip pencegahan --
based on the precautionary principle --
bukanlah didasarkan pada pencegahan,
is not based on precaution,
Jadi daripada bertanya, sebagai tindakan pencegahan akan menuntut,
So rather than asking, as precaution would demand,
yang menaruh prinsip pencegahan ke dalam praktek,
that put the precautionary principle into practice,
aksi dan reaksi, katakan itu pencegahan --
action and reaction, call it precaution --
dan P itu adalah Pencegahan.
and that is refuse.
Tapi, sekarang fokus haruslah kembali ke pencegahan.
But focus now is back on prevention.
setelah Gugus Tugas Pelayanan Pencegahan Amerika
after the United States Preventive Services Task Force
tentang pencegahan dan rasa hormat.
of precaution and respect.
Anggaplah ini sebagai isu lokal. Dan lakukan pencegahan di tiap tempat,
Make it a local issue. And do prevention at each place,
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