Indonesian to English
peneliti researcher.
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  1. penelaah
    (pemeriksa, pendiagnosis, peneliti, pengamat, penganalisis, pengkaji, pengusut, penyelidik, periset)
  2. peneroka
  3. pengkaji
  4. penyelidik
peneliti bijihore assayer
penelitian asapexamination of smoke
penelitian bijihore assay
penelitian dan penjualanresearch and marketing
penelitian dengan cermatscrutiny
penelitian elektrikelectric control
penelitian hargaprice survey
penelitian individualindividual research
penelitian mejadesk research
penelitian motivasimotivation research
penelitian nonaktifnonreactive research
penelitian organisasiorganizational audit
penelitian pengamatanobservational research
penelitian produkproduct research
penelitian prosesprocess research
penelitian surveisurvey research
penelitian tanahsoil examination
penelitian terorganisasiorganized research
a scientist who devotes himself to doing research
seorang ilmuwan yang mengabdikan dirinya untuk melakukan penelitian
source: WordNet 3.0

Related Word(s)

expert, investigator, research, researcher, researchers, scientist, scientists, smeru, study, these, were


Jadi sebenarnya, para ekonom peneliti
So in fact, experimental economists
sampai eksperimenter (peneliti) datang kembali, mereka bisa mendapatkan dua.
until the experimenter comes back, they can have two.
salah satu peneliti itu mengusulkan ide gila ini.
one of the researchers threw out this crazy idea.
Dan para peneliti berdoa dan berharap
and the researchers crossed their fingers and hoped
Ini Toby Ord. Dia adalah seorang peneliti ilmu filsafat
This is Toby Ord. He's a research fellow in philosophy
tapi kota-kota impian dan orang-orang yang ingin menjadi peneliti dan dokter.
but cities with dreams and people who are wishing to be scientists, doctors.
Saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada peneliti saya Hannah Martin,
I'd like to thank my researcher Hannah Martin,
Para peneliti di CDC dan tempat lain
Researchers at the CDC and other places
Dan beberapa tahun yang lalu, seorang peneliti bernama Kevin Dunbar
And a few years ago, a wonderful researcher named Kevin Dunbar
dua peneliti berumur kurang lebih 20 tahunan di APL
two 20-something researchers at the APL
Kami bekerja sama dengan para peneliti IBM dari Pusat Aksesabilitas
We're working with the folks at IBM Research from the Accessibility Center
karena ternyata tahun lalu seorang peneliti bernama Daryl Bem
just last year a researcher called Daryl Bem conducted
karena beberapa kelompok peneliti yang berbeda mencoba
several different groups of research scientists tried
Jadi di bulan Maret 2012, bulan lalu, beberapa peneliti
So in March, 2012, just one month ago, some researchers
beberapa peneliti melakukan kajian pada obat yang bernama lorcainide,
some researchers did a study on a drug called lorcainide,
para peneliti yang melakukan kajian awal di tahun 1980 itu
the researchers who did that 1980 study, that early study,
seluruh jaringan peneliti, akademisi,
a whole network of researchers, academics,
Saya bukan seorang doktor ataupun peneliti, jadi bagi saya, hal ini
I'm not a doctor or a researcher, so this, to me,
oleh para peneliti dan pelindung.
by conservators and researchers.
peneliti sejati mana pun.
would have done.
namun juga penting bagi para peneliti
it will be important for the researchers
Tidak apa-apa, karena ada sekelompok ilmuwan peneliti
That's okay, because there's a team of research scientists
Peneliti utama dari sifat ini, Robert McCrae mengatakan,
The main researcher of this trait, Robert McCrae says that,
dan kemudian si peneliti menggandakan isinya,
and then the experimenter doubles what's in there,
saya menggabungkan sekelompok peneliti internasional
I put together a team of international researchers
oleh berbagai peneliti
by various researchers
Dan beliau adalah peneliti kreativitas pada tahun 60-an dan 70-an,
He was a creativity researcher in the '60s and '70s,
berkeliling, bertemu keluarga-keluarga, berbicara pada peneliti,
traveling around, meeting families, talking to scholars,
Peneliti di Emory memberi anak-anak sebuah
Researchers at Emory gave children a simple
di Boulder, Colorado, dan berdiskusi dengan para peneliti
in Boulder, Colorado, and talked to the researchers
yang mengejutkan para peneliti.
that has really unnerved the researchers.
para peneliti telah mengambil langkah mundur
researchers have taken a step back
AG: setiap peneliti akan mengenali ekspresi keputusasaan tersebut.
AG: Every scientist will recognize that expression of despair.
Ia mengatakan kepada peneliti untuk melakukan ini,
He told the experimenter to do this,
peneliti komunikasi hebat Paul Watzlawick
the great communication researcher Paul Watzlawick
jadi saya memutuskan, bersama beberapa peneliti dari Amerika Serikat
I decided, with some researchers from the United States
siapa peneliti di gambar ini.
who are the researchers in this picture.
termasuk peneliti di bidang kedokteran yang mendapat kerjasama
including medical researchers, to require needed collaboration
Bagi setiap ilmuwan, baik peneliti, teknisi,
For every scientist, whether researcher, technician,
Menilai peluang dengan bagaimana peneliti dan siswa lain
Judge opportunity by how few other students and researchers
peneliti itu terbuka terhadap hal apapun yang menarik,
the researcher of mind is open to anything interesting,
Peristiwa ini terjadi saat saya bekerja sebagai peneliti di Akademi Angkatan Laut Amerika.
It happened while I was working as a research fellow at the U.S. Naval Academy.
dikalangan para peneliti.
among researchers.
dan saya adalah bagian dari peneliti kesejahteraan
and I belong to a crowd of students of well-being,
Dan mengutip rekan saya seorang peneliti keamanan, Marcus Ranum,
And to quote a fellow security researcher, Marcus Ranum,
Dan mengutip seorang rekan peneliti keamanan, Haroon Meer,
And to quote a fellow security researcher, Haroon Meer,
Hal ini ditemukan oleh seorang peneliti,
But this was spotted by an eagle-eye investigator,
1080 peneliti
a hundred and eighty researchers,
yang dikembangkan oleh para pengembang dan peneliti di seluruh dunia
developed by developers and researchers around the world,
dan peneliti dari seluruh dunia,
and researchers from around the world,
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