Indonesian to English
penularan spreading
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  1. penjangkitan
  2. penyebaran
  3. transmisi

Related Word(s)

communicability, contagion, contracting, transmission


Ada penularan emosi
There's emotional contagion
Jadi penularan seksual dari HIV
So the sexual transmission of HIV
karena bisnis akan buruk bila mendapatkan penularan melalui hubungan seksual lagi.
because it's really bad for business to have another STI.
salah satu negara yang memiliki tingkat penularan
the country that had one of the highest incidents
dari penularan virus
of the transmission of the virus
dari penularan AIDS.
the transmission of AIDS.
Dan Anda bisa memahami masalah penularan
And you can understand, obviously, the transmission problem
bahwa itulah cara menghentikan penularan HIV.
that that was the way that you stopped the transmission of HIV.
Sebenarnya, perantara penularan kanker ini
In fact, the infectious agent of disease in this cancer
seperti penularan di rumah sakit.
like hospital-acquired infections.
Gagasan bahwa resiko penularan pra-kelahiran PTSD dapat disesuaikan
The notion that the prenatal transmission of PTSD risk is adaptive
karena efek terhadap penularan penyakitnya.
because the contagion of the disease spread.
karena adanya manfaat penularan itu.
because of those contagion benefits.
Misalnya, apa pun yang menyebar melalui penularan sosial
For example, anything that spreads by a form of social contagion
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