Indonesian to English
permusuhan hostility
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  1. antagonisme
    (antipati, bentrokan, friksi, konflik, kontradiksi, oposisi, perbedaan, permusuhan, perselisihan, pertentangan, antitesis, diskrepansi, disparitas, negasi)
  2. bentrokan
  3. kebencian
  4. kesumat
  5. konflik
  6. percederaan
  7. percekcokan
  8. pergesekan
  9. perselisihan
  10. perseteruan
  11. pertengkaran
  12. pertentangan

Related Word(s)

abasement, against, aggression, alliances, animosity, assume, become, being, bellicose, clearly, cleavage, defiance, did, disobedience, disobeyed, dissension, each, enemies, enemy, enmity, example, examples, feet, feud, feuds, harm, hatred, heard, hearing


mengincar penghentian permusuhan terbesar yang pernah dicatat,
go for the largest recorded cessation of hostilities,
menciptakan penghentian permusuhan terbesar yang pernah dicatat,
to try and create the largest recorded cessation of hostilities.
berhenti berjuang dalam pembelaan dan permusuhan?
stop with this struggle of for and against?
Meskipun ada ratusan tahun permusuhan,
Despite centuries of animosity,
Hal keempat dalam daftar saya adalah hubungan permusuhan dengan tetangga.
The fourth item on my checklist is relations with hostile societies.
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