Indonesian to English
poros axis, pivot, shaft
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  1. aksis
  2. as
  3. gandar
  4. pivot
  5. sumbu
  6. -- halang senterpor
poros antaraintermediate shaft
poros baling-balingpropellor shaft
poros balingbalingpropeller-shaft
poros bantuauxiliary axle
poros batu-asahgrinding-wheel spindle
poros belakangback axle
poros bendixbendix-shaft with sleeve
poros bengkokbent shaft
poros bolonghollow shaft
poros cadanganspare shaft
poros diferensiodifferential shaft
poros engkolbalanced crank shaft
poros flensacollar shaft
poros inticore axle
poros jangkararmature shaft
poros kardancardan shaft
poros kemudimain piece of rudder
poros kenyalflexible shaft
poros kerucutaxis of a cone
poros kopelingshaft-coupling

Related Word(s)

axis, axle, mandrill, pivot, shaft, shafts, spindle


Jadi di sini ditunjukkan, di poros Y
This here shows, on the Y-axis,
dan, poros X, derajat perpisahan dari dua orang tersebut.
and, on the X-axis, the degrees of separation between the two people.
ini memiliki empat poros sumbu yang meminimalkan kehilangan kecepatan alat ini
these have four axis shafts which minimize loss of club speed
dipakai di mobil dengan poros pengimbang tunggal.
was used in a car with a single balancer shaft.
memaksa air masuk ke celah-celah ke arah poros bumi,
forcing water down through the cracks toward the center of the earth,
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