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prancis France, French.
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davis, door, france, french, frenchman, frenchmen, frenchwoman


Anda berpikir mengenai relevasi dari teater Prancis di abad ke-17 --
You're thinking about the relevance of 17th century French theater --
di Inggris, Prancis, dan Kanada bersama-sama.
in Britain, France and Canada put together.
seperti Israel, Iran, Prancis, atau Jerman,
like Israel or Iran or France or Germany,
Kecuali orang Prancis mungkin.
Except maybe French people.
Memangnya tidak ada warna di Prancis?"
Don't you have color in France?"
Kemudian, Prancis memberlakukan pajak lintas udara mereka yang brilian
Then, the French imposed their brilliantly conceived airline tax
Ini terjadi setelah kekacauan revolusi Prancis.
This was after the chaos of the French Revolution.
dan loncat melewati samudra ke Prancis.
and then hop across the pond to France.
pasangan orang tua Amerika dan Prancis
American and French parents
Di Prancis, para dokter yang memutuskan mengapa
In France, the doctors decided whether and when
dibandingkan dengan para orang tua Prancis.
as compared to their French counterparts.
Orang tua Prancis kebanyakan mengatakan hal seperti
French parents were more likely to say things like,
pesulap terbesar Prancis,
France's greatest illusionist,
Pada masa itu, ia sedang menulis tentang bahasa yang telah menjadi bahasa Prancis.
As it happens, he was writing about what had become French.
Saya masuk ke sekolah koki di Prancis.
I went to chef school in France.
dan bahkan di Prancis.
and even in France.
Setiap negara memiliki minuman beralkohol yang tergantung konteks. Di Prancis itu Pernod.
Every country has a contextual alcoholic drink. In France it's Pernod.
yang berukuran besar disana -- Ross Ice Shelf berukuran sebesar Prancis.
it's the big one down here -- the Ross Ice Shelf is the size of France.
Saat pertama datang, saya tidak bisa bicara bahasa Prancis,
When I arrived I didn't speak a word of French,
untuk membangun Pompidou Center kedua di Prancis
to build the second Pompidou Center in France
Cowboy dan film komedi Prancis
You see, cowboys and French farce people
dinamakan dari St.Acheul di Prancis,
they're named after St. Acheul in France,
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