Indonesian to English
pulsa beat, pulse
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by Xamux Translate


  1. debar
    (degup, dengap, denyut, detak, gerak, getaran, pulsa, renyut)
  2. degub
  3. denyut
  4. detak
  5. renyut
  6. getaran
  7. vibrasi

Related Word(s)

balance, pulse, pulses, toll


bila hewan pergi ke sana, dia mendapatkan pulsa cahaya
if the animal goes there, the animal gets a pulse of light
Sandi itu berbentuk pola-pola pulsa listrik
And the code is in the form of these patterns
dari pulsa ini, otak tahu bahwa di luar sana
of pulses, it knows that what was out there
sehingga pola-pola pulsa itu selalu berubah
so the patterns of pulses are changing
lalu kelluarlah aliran pulsa-pulsa listrik
and out comes streams of electrical pulses,
diisi pulsa senilai 20 sen setiap kali isi ulang.
are recharged at less than 20 cents at each recharge.
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