Indonesian to English
rahim womb, uterus
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  1. kandungan
    (bunyi, diktum, isi, muatan, peranakan, perut, rahim, embrio, fetus, janin, mudigah)
  2. peranakan
rahimi(Islam) merciful (of God).

Related Word(s)

birth, cervix, creation, depository, drop, fluid, forth, germ, life, lodging, place, seminal, shelter, uterine, uterus, womb, wombs, women


adalah rahim dari kapal.
is the womb of the vessel.
(Pendengar: Rahim Anda akan hancur.) Rahim Anda akan hancur.
(Audience Member: Her uterus would be torn.) Her uterus would be torn.
Rahim akan jatuh, benar-benar keluar dari tubuh.
The uterus would fall out, literally fall out of the body.
Dan benak kita langsung beralih pada kanker leher rahim pada wanita
And our minds immediately turned to cervical cancer in women,
kanker di rahim para wanita yang diperkosa,
the cancer in women's uteruses from being raped,
Dan dimana air berwujud cair, ia menjadi sebuah rahim.
And where water is liquid, it becomes a womb
Kabir, Rahim, semua Sufi yang hebat,
Kabir, Rahim, all the great Sufi saints,
Kanker leher rahim lima kali lebih tinggi
Cervical cancer is five times higher
bahwa, dia tidak memiliki ovarium dan rahim,
that, instead of having ovaries inside and a uterus,
dan baru tahu bahwa dia memiliki ovarium dan rahim di dalam tubuhnya.
and had just found out that he had ovaries and a uterus inside.
dan berkata, "Kenyataan bahwa kami memiliki rahim dan ovarium
and said, "The fact that we have a uterus and ovaries
Namun jika Anda memiliki gen ini, di dalam rahim
But if you have this gene, in utero
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