Indonesian to English
sahut answer s.o.'s call.
please wait
by Xamux Translate


  1. jawab
    (balas, balasan, elakan, jawaban, perlawanan, reaksi, respons, sahutan, sambutan, tanggapan, tangkisan)
  2. sambut

Related Word(s)

answered, replied
akan membawa senter sahut norah
will take flares norah replied
aku segera datang sahut gabrielle
i will see you soon
doppler current profiler sahut tolland
doppler current profiler tolland said
halo charlie sahutnya hati hati
hello charlie he said warily
itu tidak mungkin sahut tench
that is impossible tench replied
jumlahnya berlipat ganda sahut sexton
they are multiplying he said
kepala polisi swan sahut edward
chief swan edward said
omong kosong sahut herney datar
bullshit herney replied flatly
pak sahut gabrielle sambil merasakan
sir gabrielle replied feeling
polisi swan sahut edward dengan
swan edward said in
presiden sahut sang petugas komunikasi
president the communications officer said
sahut norah dengan tatapan galak
she replied with a glare
sahut tolland mengulangi sambil duduk
tolland repeated taking a seat
sebenarnya sahut herney sambil tersenyum
actually herney said grinning
sekarang mungkin sahut tolland tetapi
now maybe tolland replied but
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