Indonesian to English
sana there, yonder
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  1. kian
    (bertambah, lebih, makin, sana, situ)
  2. senun
  3. situ
sanak keluargainlaws
sanak keluarga perempuankinswomen
sanak saudarafamili connection
sanat(Islam) Muslim year. sanat-Masehi A.D.
sanatoriumsanatorium, health resort.

Related Word(s)

ai, antiquity, appointment, arrow, attractions, babylon, back, bethany, bethel, came, canaan, case, chains, chancel, close, colored, continent, corner, country, damascus, deployed, development, district, door, down, drink, egypt, entreated, face, field, go


Jika ada uang di sana, mereka menyimpan semuanya.
If there's money on the table, they keep it all.
dengan karakter Bahasa Cina yang tertera di sana."
with the Chinese character on them."
kita tidak benar-benar tahu apa yang terjadi di luar sana,
we don't really know what's going on out there.
kultur siswa laki-laki di luar sana --
of schools --
dan titik-titik hitam didalam sana
and the black spots inside of there
di luar sana -- kehidupan yang mungkin sangat berbeda
out there -- life that could be very different
Para "Granny Cloud" tersebut duduk di seberang sana.
The granny cloud sits over there.
Ada banyak, banyak masalah di luar sana.
There are many, many problems out there.
adalah tidak ada satu orangpun yang wajib berada di sana --
was that not one of them had to be there --
namun mereka ada di sana.
yet they were.
Jadi bagi beberapa dari kami yang ada di sana karena profesi,
So for the few of us that were there in a professional capacity,
karena mereka tahu jika minyak itu sampai di sana,
because they knew if the oil hit,
dan melepaskannya ke air bersih di sana
and release them into the clean waters there
"Terlalu banyak bencana di luar sana. Aku takkan bisa berbuat apa-apa.
"Well, you know there's just so much out there -- I can't do anything,
Namun ada hal lain yang juga harus ada di sana.
There is something more though that has to be there.
Sampai di sana, roti itu sudah tidak ada.
He goes in there, and it's not there.
Saya belaja untuk selalu di sana.
I learned to be always there.
Mereka dapat menghancurkan benda kecil di sana
They could have destroyed this little thing right here
Sekarang kita tahu banyak hewan di luar sana juga bisa melakukannya.
Now we know that there's a lot of animals out there that can do it too.
dan ketika kami menyimpulkan sesuatu dari sana,
and when we learn from that,
Kami di sana untuk menyatakan kebanggaan
We are there to take pride
Benda aneh di sana adalah pusat pengolah data, chipnya.
This monstrosity over here is the CPU, the chip, if you like.
yaitu kartu pons. Benda di sana
which is punch cards. This thing over here
yang duduk di sana -- Anda dapat melihatnya --
that is sitting there — you can go see it —
Adipati Wellington ada di sana juga,
The Duke of Wellington is there, you know,
dan hingga Cassini tiba di sana,
and, until Cassini had arrived there,
sebelum kita pergi ke sana dengan Cassini, lebih dari miliaran dan miliaran tahun yang lalu
before we got there with Cassini, over billions and billions of years,
Itu adalah gambar yang kita dapat dari permukaan Titan sebelum kita pergi ke sana dengan Cassini,
That is the view that we had of the surface of Titan before we got there with Cassini,
Dan masih ada bulan lain di sana --
And yet another moon there --
bila hewan pergi ke sana, dia mendapatkan pulsa cahaya
if the animal goes there, the animal gets a pulse of light
hewan itu akan pergi ke sana lagi dan lagi.
the animal should go there more and more.
Hewan ini pergi ke sisi kanan dan menaruh hidungnya di sana,
This animal's going to go to the right-hand side and poke his nose there,
Hewan itu mendengat sebuah nada -- dan kilatan cahaya itu terjadi di sana.
And the animal's going to hear a tone -- and a flash of light occurred there.
Ada jam kecil di ujung kiri bawah sana,
And there's a little clock in the lower left-hand corner,
untuk memotivasi tikus itu bergerak, bila tidak dia akan diam saja di sana.
to motivate the mouse to move, or he'll just sit there.
di sebelah sana dengan mereka."
over there with them."
Saya ada di sana waktu itu. Hari itu merupakan hari yang sangat mengharukan dan menggairahkan.
I was there. It was the most emotional, exciting day.
Kita pikir bahwa bilangan itu mungkin ada di sana,
We thought it might be there,
dari perampokan di jaman demam emas, dan kami ingin pergi ke sana.
from a Gold Rush-era robbery, and we wanted to go up there.
Dan kita meletakkan telur di sana.
And we lay our eggs there,
tidak ada ikan di sana.
there are no fish in that picture.
karena kini kita yang pergi ke sana.
because now we go to theirs.
kisah di luar sana.
of those stories out there,
sehingga Anda tidak dapat menaruh ikan kecil itu di sana.
that you couldn't put any of those small fish up on it.
namun, saat ganggang itu di sana, itulah monster dari neraka
but, as it stands, it's the monster from hell,
Dan orang-orang yang tersisa di sana
And the only people who are left there
Lorong Barat Laut itu ada di sana.
Well, the Northwest Passage is already there.
telah meranggas dan berdiri dengan telanjang di sana.
have dropped their leaves and are standing there naked.
Anda sudah pasti tidak ingin makan ikan yang berkembang di sana
Then you sure won't want to eat fish that were raised in it,
Di sana kami tinggal bersama orang Inuit.
There we lived with the Inuit
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