Indonesian to English
sarang lebah bee hive
sarang lebah
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sarangnest, lair, web, hotbed

Related Word(s)

beehive, honeycomb, honeycombed


Pada dasarnya hanya ada satu cara bagaimana sarang lebah dapat berfungsi.
There is basically just one way in which a beehive can function.
Itulah rumah saya. Saya memiliki sarang lebah di halaman belakang.
That's where I call home. I have a beehive in the backyard.
Cobalah temukan sarang lebah. Sarang itu ada di sana.
Try to spot the beehive. It's there.
sarang lebah madu bagi siapa saja yang menginginkannya
honeybee hives for anybody who wants them,
Jadi hasil produksi madu dari sarang lebah di kota
So the yield for urban hives, in terms of honey production,
Saya senang membagikan beberapa gambar dari sarang lebah di kota,
I'd love to share with you some images of urban beehives,
Kita juga memiliki proyek sarang lebah di ruang kelas,
We also have a classroom hives project,
cara sarang lebah dapat dibawa ke dalam ruang kelas.
honeybee hives can be taken into the classroom
Sudah bertahun-tahun ada sarang lebah di atap gedung opera mereka
They've had hives on the rooftop of their opera house
dan memadukan sarang lebah,
and integrating beehives,
Bahkan Anda dapat memiliki sarang lebah sendiri jika mau.
You could even get your own hive if you want.
Ada banyak sumber sarang lebah yang bagus
There are great resources available,
saya melihat ruam khas seperti sarang lebah
I saw the signature hive-like rash
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