Indonesian to English
secara formal formally
secara formal
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by Xamux Translate
secara1 in a......manner. 2 on... a scale. 3 as (if). 4 according to, in accordance with.

Related Word(s)

formal, formally
agaknya akan diakui secara formal
seemed will be recognized formally
akan diakui secara formal oleh
will be recognized formally by
atau menolak secara formal dan
or repudiate formally and
baghdad sejak operasi secara formal
baghdad since the operation formally
berbadan hukum dan secara formal
are legal entities formally
dan secara formal diakui oleh
formally recognized by
daripada yang secara formal dilatih
rather than being formally trained
dengan sektor hukum secara formal
the formal legal sector
desa secara formal diatur oleh
village is formally regulated by
diakui pengakuan pengakuan secara formal
recognized acknowledgment formal avowal
diakui secara formal oleh pemerintah
recognized formally by government
diatur bulog secara formal melainkan
formally regulated by bulog rather
disajikan untuk berdebat secara formal
is presented for formal disputation
guru secara formal berijazah sarjana
teachers who obtained university degrees
instruksi secara formal tertulis sudah
formally written instructions already
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