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seharga be at the same price
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dilengkapi dengan kamera seharga lima juta dolar
equipped with these five million dollar cameras
digunakan untuk menjatuhkan bom seharga tiga miliar dolar,
was used to drop its three billion dollar bomb,
seharga 280.000 Euro kepada pemerintah Mesir.
for 280,000 Euros to the Egyptian government.
karena menunjukkan bahwa penduduk yang mengendarai sepeda seharga 30 dolar
because they show that a citizen on a $30 bicycle
dengan penduduk yang mengendarai mobil seharga 30.000 dolar.
to one in a $30,000 car.
untuk memasang saklar seharga 79 sen ini.
to install these 79-cent switches behind them.
seharga lebih dari seratus dolar.
for over a hundred dollars.
dan membeli Lego seharga £ 150 --
and bought 150 pounds of Lego --
seharga 5 rand.
for five rand.
pada tempat penyimpanan seharga 400 dollar di tahun 2008. Ini membutuhkan seluruh elemen
on 400 dollars worth of storage by 2008. It takes that entire element,
detektor seharga ratusan ribu dolar itu.
of detectors that are hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Tanpa memerlukan fasilitas seharga jutaan dolar
Instead of requiring multi-million-dollar facilities
Jadi kalau Anda membelinya seharga 1,7 juta dolar, itu sudah murah.
If you had bought it at 1.7, it would have been a bargain.
("Dulu saya jual jiwa saya seharga sepersepuluh dari harga barang sialan itu sekarang.")
("I sold my soul for about a tenth of what the damn things are going for now.")
"Di Amerika, tas ini dijual seharga 320 dolar."
"In America, this bag sells for 320 dollars."
Kami memotong oven restoran seharga $5000 menjadi dua.
We cut a $5,000 restaurant oven in half.
Kami menjualnya kepada militer seharga sekitar 70.000 dolar
We sell those to the military presently for about 70,000 dollars,
Saya baru menjualnya seharga 1½ juta dolar, tunai.
I just sold that for a million and a half dollars, cash.
saya membeli bahan bakar seharga $14.79 di Safeway Vallejo.
that I bought $14.79 in fuel from Safeway Vallejo.
seharga hingga 50.000 atau 100.000 dolar.
costing upwards of 50 or $100,000.
membeli pulaunya sendiri seharga 26.500 dolar.
actually bought his own island for 26,500 dollars.
karakter Warlock level 60 dengan banyak item kualitas 'epic' seharga 174.000 dolar.
a level 60 Warlock with lots of epics for 174,000 dollars.
seharga $750.
for 750 dollars,
dari logam mulia mahal seharga perak
from a precious metal costing as much as silver
untuk dijual seharga 60 sen per kilogram,
for 60 cents a kilo, but we found a way
tapi kami berhasil mengirimkannya ke Jepang untuk dijual seharga 15 dolar per kilogram,
to take the fish for sushi to Japan for 15 dollars a kilo,
semuanya dijual seharga dua dollar per kemasan
Those sold for two dollars each.
Kalau bisa didapat seharga 200-an USD, kenapa harus membayar ribuan?
If you can get it for 200 bucks, why pay a thousand?
di dalam asbak seharga 1,99 dolar dan menjualnya
in a dollar ninety-nine ashtray and charge
peralatan militer seharga 44 juta pound.
44 billion pounds of military equipment.
seharga £ 105.000 - sembilan kali rekor dunia sebelumnya.
for 105,000 pounds -- nine times the previous world record.
Saya ke sana, dan saya memesan 8 ons mata rusuk seharga 160 dolar.
I went there, and I ordered the eight-ounce rib eye for 160 dollars.
mobil seharga satu lakh, seharga USD 2000."
one lakh car, $2,000 car."
buat mobil seharga itu."
and you are to make it within that."
Sepatu seharga 20.000 dollar
And if you talk about a 20,000-dollar shoe,
kaki buatan seharga 28 dollar ini.
of this 28-dollar foot, basically.
Ini bukan sekedar bilang untuk perawatan seharga USD 10.000
You cannot say it's a mere treatment 10,000 dollars,
Lalu muncul inkubator seharga USD 25
And there's a 25-dollar incubator
dan dijual seharga 750.000 dolar di balai lelang.
and sold for three-quarters of a million dollars at auction.
Satu kilometernya seharga 1/10 biaya bawah tanah.
A kilometer of this costs a tenth of a subway.
untuk membeli sebuah kelambu seharga dua dolar.
to purchase a bed net at two dollars.
seharga 99,50 dolar.
at the value of $99.50:
dan berkata dia menjual celana seharga satu dolar --
and announced she had pants for sale for a dollar --
dibandingkan inkubator seharga 20 ribu dollar
compared to the 20,000 dollars
Lihat grafik ini di sini. Anda bisa membeli satu transistor seharga satu dolar tahun 1968.
Look at this graph here.You could buy one transistor for a dollar in 1968.
dibangun di atas tanah seharga 1.50 Dollar per kaki persegi.
built on $1.50 a sq. ft.
terjual seharga 330.000 dolar sungguhan.
sold for 330,000 real dollars.
atau mengapa kita naik pesawat -- (pengumuman dari awak kabin) -- seharga 200 juta pound
or why we get on airplanes -- (flight attendant announcements) -- which cost 200 million pounds,
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