Indonesian to English
semak bushes, underbrush
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  1. belukar
    (samun, semak)
  2. samun
semak belukarshrub
semak berbunga kuninggorse
semak-semakbrush wood
semakinmore and more
semakin alamithe more natural the
semakin banyakmore and more
semakin berkurangon the wane
semakin besarever greater
semakin besar semakinthe greater the
semakin brengsekgo from bad to worse
semakin cepatfaster and faster
semakin dekatcloser
semakin dihargaiincreasingly valuable
semakin kecilthe smaller the
semakin kerasgetting louder
semakin kuatgain strength
semakin marahslow burned
semakin membuat marahangered more and more
semakin memburukfrom bad to worse
semakin membusukgone from bad to worse

Related Word(s)

bush, bushes, copse, scrub, scrubby, shrub, shrubby, shrubs, thicket, thickets, thorns, undergrowth, wood


Dia hamil, melarikan diri ke semak-semak untuk melahirkan,
She got pregnant, ran to the bush to have the baby,
bukan hanya 10 persen dari tanaman semak
instead of only 10 percent of scrubby trees
saya telah menaruh semak dengan pusat percabangan ke segala arah,
I've put a bush with a center branching out in all directions,
di pohon, di dalam semak-semak dan kursi.
from the trees, tucked in the bushes and the benches.
Tapi dia menemukan tanaman liar ini, yang disebut semak Lupin.
But he found this wild plant called the Lupin bush.
Semak Lupin ada di seluruh bagian Extremadura.
The Lupin bush, it's all around Extremadura.
Dan angsa-angsa itu suka semak Lupin.
And the geese love the Lupin bush.
lalu merunduk di bawah semak dan berkata, "Lihat ini."
and ducks us under a bush and says, "Watch this."
sebenarnya semak belukar
is actually a shrub
Ini adalah klon semak Creosote
This is the clonal Creosote bush,
kalian tahu kalau semak Creosote ada di mana-mana
you know the Creosote bush is pretty ubiquitous,
Dan semuanya, baik yucca maupun semak Creosote,
And both of these, the yucca and the Creosote bush,
Anda berpedoman pada semak di kejauhan,
you aim for the bush in the distance,
orang lain mencari bola-bola tersebut di semak belukar,
But everybody else was looking in the bush
Ini adalah karang emas, semak-semak
This is a golden coral, a bush.
Alasan lain adalah semak yang luar biasa ini bersinar.
The other reason is this amazing bush glows.
Produksi rumput, semak, pohon, hewan liar,
The production of grass, shrubs, trees, wildlife,
di semak di luar Bukavu.
in the bush outside Bukavu.
Lalu ada suara gemerisik di semak.
Then there is a rustle in the brush.
sambil duduk di semak-semak Afrika memperhatikan kumbang kotoran pada hari yang panas,
sitting in the African bush watching dung beetles on nice hot days,
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