Indonesian to English
senti centimeter
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sentiasasee SENANTIASA.
sentilanscolding, criticism
sentimengrudge, bias
sentimen berlebihanschmaltz
sentimentalitas/sentimentalitet/ sentimentality.
sentimentilsee SENTIMENTAL.
senting1. k.o. shrub used for fences or fertilizer. 2. (M) difficult.
sentiong(Jakarta) China graveyard.

Related Word(s)

foot, inches
ada mencapai sentimeter hingga mengakibatkan
reached centimeters causing
adalah satu sentimeter kubik dan
is a cubic centimeter and
affectedly bagus atau halus sentimental
affectedly nice or delicate sentimental
affectedly cukup lemah sentimental finical
affectedly pretty weakly sentimental finical
agama perasaan agama atau sentimen
religious religious feeling or sentiment
air mata berlebihan sentimental lemah
tears excessively sentimental weak
alasan alasan sentimental aku suka
sentimental reasons i like
anda menggunakan insentif untuk mendorong
you manipulate incentives to get
aneka buana lebekbulus setinggi sentimeter
aneka buana lebakbulus cm
antara lain mengenai insentif yang
among others concerning the incentive
apbd untuk insentif fasilitator yang
budgets to pay facilitators who
apresiasi tersebut dan sentimen lebih
the appreciation and sentiment is
arah cawang setinggi sentimeter dan
cawang direction centimeters and
arah kalibata setinggi sentimeter depan
kalibata direction centimeters in front
atau diberikan insentif untuk tindakan
or given incentive for action
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