Indonesian to English
sepersekian such-and-such a percent.
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Saya memikirkannya selama sepersekian detik.
I thought about it for a nanosecond.
dan melihat perubahan suhu sepersekian derajat
and see a fraction of a degree Kelvin in temperature shift
Kita semua diperbudak sepersekian detik pertama --
We are slaves to the first few fractions of a second --
dalam hitungan sepersekian detik,
in a fraction of a second,
dalam waktu kurang dari sepersekian nukleus atom
at less than the fraction of a nucleus of an atom
dalam sepersekian detik.
in a fraction of a second.
tapi tetap akan ada perbedaan waktu barang sepersekian detik,
but there's still less than a second of latency,
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