Indonesian to English
seperti anak-anak childlike
seperti anak-anak
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sepertilike, as


seperti anak-anak atau orang tua.
such as children or the elderly.
kamu tidak akan bisa bergerak seperti anak-anak lainnya
and you would never have the kind of mobility that other kids have
untuk merasakan kesadaran seperti anak-anak sebagai orang dewasa,
of getting a taste of that kind of baby consciousness as adults,
untuk mulai berpikir seperti anak-anak.
to start thinking more like children.
seperti anak-anak sendiri, "Saya sangat menyukaimu."
as if they were my children. "I love you so much."
seorang dewasa berpikir seperti anak-anak.
that an adult thought like a child,
dia seperti anak-anak, dia belum dewasa.
he was just like a child, he was not at all matured.
sama seperti anak-anak lain di desanya,
like all the village children,
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