Indonesian to English
seperti jamur fungoid
seperti jamur
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by Xamux Translate
sepertilike, as
jamurfungus, mushroom, toadstool


seperti jamur Agaricon.
like of the Agarikon mushroom.
sama seperti jamur-jamur tadi,
just like the mushrooms,
seperti Jamur Infinity.
like the Infinity Mushroom.
berkaitan dengan jamur seperti jamur
pertaining to mushrooms as mushroom
debu yang berbentuk seperti jamur
dust shaped like a mushroom
jamur seperti jamur saus tomat
mushrooms as mushroom catchup
sayuran seperti jamur yang paling
vegetable matter as most fungi
seperti jamur bersifat jamur spons
like a fungus fungous spongy
seperti jamur jamur payung dll
such as mushrooms toadstools etc
seperti jamur yang paling dan
as most fungi and
yang berbentuk seperti jamur dan
shaped like a mushroom and
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