Indonesian to English
seru sharp, violent
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  1. seruan
    (jeritan, laung, pekik, teriakan, ajakan, anjuran, imbauan, lambaian, panggilan, permintaan, undangan)
  2. dahsyat
  3. hebat
  4. sengit
seru-alamthe universe.
serualsee SELUAR.
seruancall, cry, appeal
seruan karena rasa marahfuck it
seruan perangwar cry
serudukanattack, ramming
serudukan/palu airheader
serudungk.o. monkey.
seruitana whistle.
serulingk.o. flute.
seruling pikolopiccolo
seruling tanda bahayaalarm flute
serumahbe under one roof.
serumah penuhhouseful
serumbung udaraair vessel
serumitas complex as
serunai1. a wind instrument with a reed. 2. k.o. flowering plant.
serundeng/serunding/ relish of grated coconut and spices.

Related Word(s)

am, an, beseech, call, called, calling, course, cry, exciting, exclaimed, exclaims, exclamation, exclamatory, foul, fun, gasped, great, intense, interesting, interjection, invite, invoke, invoked, pray, render, summon, sun, supplicate, term, those, unto


(Tawa) Seru ya?
(Laughter) Cool, yeah?
antara tanda seru dan tanda tanya.
between an exclamation point and a question mark.
dan kita sebagai planet telah berubah begitu banyak, jadi sangat seru
and us as a planet had just changed so much, and it was incredibly exciting.
Saya pikir hal itu bakal seru.
I think it will be great.
Jadi, ah, tadi itu seru.
So, ah, that was fun.
situasi yang sulit, menjadi permainan yang seru.
difficult situation into a fun game.
jadi sesuatu yg baru dan seru buat saya.
into a new and promising experience for me.
lakukanlah hal-hal seru dan menyenangkan dengan itu ..
Just do that kind of stuff and have fun with it.
Kadang-kadang yang seperti ini seru juga, kan ?
And sometimes these are fun, right?
JA: Betul, Ini kasus yang seru, jadi begini
JA: Yeah, this is a great case, you know.
Itulah kenapa masa kini adalah masa paling seru
That's why it's a very interesting time to be in --
? Kami teman, seru, jadi kami tidak kesepian. ?
? We are pals, it's cool, 'cause we're not lonely, ?
Thumper: Seru kan
Thumper: Some fun,
meledakkan diri menjadi perdebatan seru
exploded into these raging debates
Tetapi perjalanan itu menjadi seru sekali; Banyak sekali yang asik.
but it was a blast. I had so much fun.
dan menyelam ke dalam lembah itu, disanalah yang benar-benar seru
And when you dive into that rift valley, that's where the action is
tentang hal yang paling seru
on some of the most fiercely held
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