Indonesian to English
sesederhana as simple as
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by Xamux Translate


kami rancang sesederhana dan seaman mungkin
was as basic and low-risk as we could make it,
tapi lebih rumit, tidak sesederhana itu dan Anda harus bekerja sama dengan masyarakat.
But, it's more complicated. It's not that simple, and you have to work with the people.
Tapi tidak sesederhana itu.
But it wasn't that simple.
Asal aktifisme tetap sesederhana itu,
So as long as activism is that simple,
karena ternyata tidak semudah itu, kita tidak sesederhana itu.
because it's not that simple, because we are not simple.
tapi tidak semuanya sesederhana membuatnya.
but not at all simple in how they're constructed.
sesederhana mungkin, tapi tidak lebih sederhana."
as simple as possible, but not simpler."
sesederhana yang kita bisa,
as simple as we can,
Hal sesederhana seperti memberi nama pada seorang anak
By casually doing something as simple as naming a person, a child,
dengan sesuatu sesederhana
with something as simple
Dan kadang-kadang masalahnya sesederhana ini:
And sometimes it comes down to something as simple as,
Ilmu pengetahuan hanya sesederhana itu.
The science is that simple.
Sama seperti saat kita tak perlu memikirkan hal tersebut. Sesederhana itu.
It's when you don't have to think about it, simple as that.
"Segala sesuatu harus dibuat sesederhana mungkin, tetapi tidak disederhanakan"
"Things should be as simple as possible, but not simpler."
karena tidak bisa jadi sesederhana itu,
for not being that simple,
Hal-hal dengan aturan sesederhana ini dapat melakukannya.
Things with rules as simple as these can do it.
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