Indonesian to English
sorotan ray, beam, radiation
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  1. pancaran
    (semburan, semprotan, bayangan, gambaran, projeksi, sorotan, cetusan, jelmaan)
  2. sinaran perhatian

Related Word(s)

attention, beam, rejection


seperti rusa di bawah sorotan lampu.
sort of like a deer in the headlights.
Sorotan mata itu bukanlah amarah,
And they weren't flashing in anger,
sorotan mata penuh cinta, cinta yang kuat untuk murid-muridnya.
they were flashing in love, intense love for her students.
Cukup banyak sorotan cahaya di situ.
That's a lot of light.
Kerumunan memberikan sorotan dan mengompori keinginan,
It's the crowd that shines the light and fuels the desire,
dan sorotan dan keinginan itu merupakan kombinasi dahsyat
but the light and desire are a lethal one-two combination
yang baru-baru ini menjadi sorotan,
that we're seeing happening right now,
Pidato Gettysburg Address bukanlah sorotan utama acara tersebut.
The Gettysburg Address was not the main meal of that event.
Saya telah memadatkan sorotan sinar laser pointer.
I have solidified the beam of the laser pointer.
tolong arah sorotan lampunya diubah
the lights are really disturbing my eyes
anggota kongres lokalmu dalam sorotan, orang-orang di helikopter di atas sana.
your local Congressmen in the spotlight, guys in the overhead helicopters.
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