Indonesian to English
staf staff
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  1. karyawan
    (buruh, karyawati, pegawai, pekerja, tenaga kerja brankas, dana, peti (uang), simpanan, tabungan, uang, kontan, tunai)
  2. pekerja
staf ahlispecialized staff
staf barunew staff
staf departemendepartment staff
staf eksekutifexecutive staff
staf keamanansecurity staff
staf pengarsipanfiling staff
staf pribadipersonal staff
staf redaksieditorial staff
staf umumgeneral staff
staff bankbank staff
staff bidang sistemsystems staff
staff pelayanan pelangganuser services staff
staff pendukungstaff support

Related Word(s)

both, keeping, members, officer, staff, staffed, staffer, staffs, the


"sebagai staf, kami bercanda
"as a staff, we joke
Sambil membawa Tic Tac staf rumah-sakit,
While ringing in hospital staff's Tic Tacs,
Semua staf tahu tentang sukarelawan yang muda dan tabah.
All the staff got to know the plucky, young volunteer.
Dan 2.000 orang staf -- masa-masa yang memabukkan.
and 2,000 people on staff and it was just such heady times.
Tidak perlu membuang waktu staf klinik yang berharga.
No expensive staff time required.
adalah dengan membuat guru dan staf lainnya menjiwai itu setiap menit di setiap hari.
is by having the teachers and all the other staff embody it every minute of every day.
bersama dengan staf anggota penelitian lainnya,
along with another research staff-member,
Lebih dari 90 persen staf non-kependidikan kami
More than 90 percent of our non-teaching staff
kalau para relawan berniat membantu staf yg terlatih dlm pekerjaannya,
where the volunteers supplement a highly skilled career staff,
Uni Eropa memperkerjakan staf permanen
The European Union employs a permanent staff
Mereka memiliki kamerawan profesional di jajaran staf.
They have professional videographers on staff.
Wakil Ketua Gabungan Kepala Staf,
Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,
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