Indonesian to English
surat berharga marketable securities
surat berharga
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by Xamux Translate


  1. sekuritas bilyet efek
suratletter, epistle
berhargahave a price of, valuable

Related Word(s)

notes, securities
arbitrase yang membeli surat berharga
arbitrage who purchases securities
atau surat berharga atau keduanya
or securities or both
atau surat berharga atau penjualan
or securities or sales
atau surat berharga komersial dll
or commercial paper etc
atau surat berharga mewah makmur
or securities opulent affluent
barang uang atau surat berharga
goods money or securities
berbasis surat berharga hipotek mortgage
mortgage securities based
dan ekuitas surat surat berharga
and equity securities
dari surat surat berharga rjr
of the rjr securities
dituduh menjual surat surat berharga
allegedly sold securities
firma surat surat berharga tapi
securities firms but
firma surat surat berharga yang
securities firms that
gagal mendapatkan surat surat berharga
failed to get the bonds
harga terbaru dari surat berharga
recent prices of securities
ingin mencari surat surat berharga
want to look at securities
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