Indonesian to English
surat kabar gazette
surat kabar
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  1. harian
    (koran, surat kabar)
  2. koran
suratletter, epistle
kabarnews, report

Related Word(s)

newspaper, newspapers, paper


selalu ada di surat kabar.
is in all the papers all the time.
Saya meninggalkan pekerjaan saya di surat kabar, menutup sekolah saya,
I quit my job at the papers, I closed my school,
Pernikahan kami diliput di surat-surat kabar. Bahkan kami masih menjadi berita tiga tahun kemudian,
We were in the papers, we're still in the news three years later,
Bagi kita yang mengingat laporan surat kabar
Those of us who remember the newspaper reports
Beritanya ada di semua surat kabar.
It was all over the papers.
atau surat kabar.
or the newspapers.
Anda tidak melihat berita itu di surat kabar tiap hari.
You don't see it in the newspaper every day.
Tentu saja surat-surat kabar senang meributkan hal ini.
Of course the newspapers love to beat on this.
sebagai surat kabar berbahasa Inggris independen.
as an independent English language newspaper.
dalam menjalankan surat kabar,
of running a newspaper,
bahwa dia bekerja di surat kabar ini juga bersama Anda.
that he works with you as well at the paper.
dan komunitas yang Anda ciptakan di surat kabar ini.
and the one that you are now creating at the paper.
bagi perempuan yang bekerja di surat kabar --
for the women who work at the paper --
surat kabar ini telah ditutup lebih dari tiga kali.
the paper was closed down more than three times.
Ini adalah surat kabar independen
It's an independent newspaper,
kami menjadi surat kabar oposisi.
then we are being an opposition newspaper.
Ini adalah iklan di surat kabar.
This is a newspaper ad.
dan beriklan di surat kabar seperti itu.
and put an ad in the paper like that.
yang gambar-gambar stereotip-nya kita lihat di surat kabar
whose stereotypical images we see in our newspapers
melalui sisipan di surat kabar, video Youtube,
through newspaper insertions, YouTube videos,
Idenya adalah bahwa, seperti pada surat kabar, misalnya,
But the idea is, like, on a newspaper, for example,
yang diambil dari website surat kabar tersebut.
from the content on the site.
dan kami memandang diri kami seperti sebuah surat kabar atau majalah --
and we view ourselves like a newspaper or a magazine --
Anda mungkin membaca tentang ini di surat kabar.
You probably read something about it in the papers.
Tiba-tiba, sebuah puisi muncul di berbagai surat kabar di Baghdad
And so all of a sudden, a poem appeared in the papers in Baghdad
Karena surat kabar kerjanya memang
Because what newspapers do
Pada tahun 1835, James Gordon Bennett mendirikan surat kabar dengan sirkulasi massal pertama
In 1835, James Gordon Bennett founded the first mass-circulation newspaper
-- memulai surat kabar dengan sirkulasi masal
-- starting what was experienced as a mass--circulation daily paper
Dimulai dengan surat kabar, yang kita saksikan adalah kebutuhan investasi awal yang tinggi
Starting with newspapers, what we saw was high cost as an initial requirement
dan Anda membaca surat kabar dari seluruh dunia.
and you read the newspapers from around the world.
Mereka digunakan pertama-tama oleh surat kabar Denmark,
They were used first by a Danish newspaper,
seperti ilmu pengetahuan dari berita-berita surat kabar gila itu.
as the science of those crazy, wacky newspaper headlines.
Ini dari Daily Mail. Setiap negara di dunia punya surat kabar seperti ini.
These are from the Daily Mail. Every country in the world has a newspaper like this.
Jadi Anda mencari surat kabar ini, dan apa yang Anda temukan
So you go and find this paper, and what you find
yang merupakan surat kabar terlaris kedua kita.
which is our second biggest selling newspaper.
Surat kabar sekarat karena beberapa alasan.
Newspapers are dying for a few reasons.
Lalu, apakah kita lebih baik bertanya, "Adakah sesuatu yang dapat menyelamatkan surat kabar?"
So, should we rather ask, "Can anything save newspapers?"
Ada beberapa skenario bagi surat kabar masa depan.
There are several scenarios for the future newspaper.
Beberapa orang berkata, surat kabar harus digratiskan;
Some people say it should be free;
Surat kabar harus banyak mengandung pendapat;
It should be opinion-driven;
surat kabar akan selamat.
for newspapers to survive.
mulai membuat surat kabar di negara-negara bekas Uni Soviet.
started to set newspapers in the former Soviet Bloc.
Setelah beberapa tahun, mereka memiliki beberapa surat kabar di Eropa Tengah dan Timur.
After a few years, they had several newspapers in central and eastern Europe.
Surat kabar itu dijalankan oleh pegawai yang tidak berpengalaman,
They were run by an inexperienced staff,
Saya menjawab, "Saya mendesain surat kabar."
I said, "I'm designing newspapers."
Saya berpkir, "Ya Tuhan, mungkin saya dapat melakukan hal yang sama dengan surat kabar yang membosankan ini."
I thought "Oh my God, maybe I can do the same with these boring newspapers."
Saya ingin membuat poster, bukan surat kabar.
I wanted to make posters, not newspapers.
seluruh surat kabar sebagai satu kesatuan,
the whole newspaper as one piece,
Membalik halaman-halaman surat kabar adalah pengalaman dari para pembaca
Flipping through pages is readers experience,
Namun pernghargaan yang sebenarnya datang dari Komunitas untuk Desain Surat Kabar
But the real award came from Society for Newspaper Design.
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