Indonesian to English
tampil appear
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by Xamux Translate


  1. datang
    (ada, asal, berasal, berkunjung, berlabuh, bertandang, hadir, hingga, masuk, mendarat, menjeru, merapat, muncul, pegari, sampai, singgah, tampak, terbit (perasaan), terlihat, terlintas, tiba, timbul, turun, kelak, kemudian, nanti)
  2. hadir
  3. maju
  4. menampakkan diri
  5. mendorong
  6. menyorong
  7. muncul
  8. tampak
tampil bedacast in a different mold
tampil di depan umumappear on the scene
tampil dipanggungcame upon the stage
tampil ke depancame forth
tampil miripcast in the same mold
tampilan anode-bersamacommon-anode display
tampilan katode-bersamacommon-cathode display

Related Word(s)

about, action, appear, appearance, appearances, appeared, appearing, arise, arrayed, came, come, competed, competing, emerge, emerged, falsely, featured, forth, get, his, islanders, keep, look, marched, on, out, participated, perform, performed, performing


tapi mereka begitu jago sampai mereka dapat tampil di acara Piala Oscar tahun ini.
but they were so good that they got to play at the Oscars this year.
untuk tampil selama 18 menit,
crammed into 18 minutes,
ketika saya menekan alat saya maka jawaban lainnya akan tampil,
and I'm going to press my dongle and the rest of it's going to come up,
CA: Temple, sangat menyenangkan menyaksikan Anda tampil di TED.
CA: Temple, can I just say it's an absolute delight to have you at TED.
Seperti apa wanita cantik harus tampil?
What does a beautiful woman have to look like?
dan karena itu, saya bisa tampil dalam acara "Good Morning America" beberapa minggu kemudian,
but it eventually got me on "Good Morning America" a few weeks later,
yang tampil lebih banyak dalam TED Talks yang paling favorit,
that appear more often in the most favorite TEDTalks
marilah kita memulai dengan bagaimana matematika tampil di kehidupan sehari-hari
let me first talk a bit about what math looks like in the real world
dan mari juga kita lihat bagaimana ia tampil dalam pendidikan.
and what it looks like in education.
untuk tampil pada waktu yang tepat dengan cara yang tepat.
to be displayed at the right time and in the right way.
untuk tampil dalam sebuah acara olah raga.
to perform at sporting events.
jika anda cukup sering tampil di TV, jika anda dapat membeli cukup iklan, anda dapat menang.
if you could get on TV enough times, if you could buy enough ads, you could win.
bahwa saya tidak mau tampil seperti ilmuwan.
that I don't want to show up looking like a scientist.
tetapi anda bisa mengapresiasi fakta bahwa mereka punya nyali untuk tampil ke depan.
but maybe you appreciate the fact that they've got a tough gig.
maka semakin banyak orang ingin tampil beda.
the more and more people are wanting to be different.
Maksudku, aku dengar bandnya akan tampil di pesta lain di malam yang sama.
I mean, I heard his band is playing at another party the same night.
Ini bukanlah bagaimana mereka tampil dalam film ini
It's not the way they occur in the film,
yang tampil di panggung miniatur. Sekarang, saya tidak akan menggunakan cermin,
performing on a miniature stage. Now, I won't use mirrors,
dan banyak pembicara yang pernah tampil di sini juga mendapat bantuan melalui Google Grants.
and many of the people who have presented here are running through Google Grants.
Tampil beda memang tidak sesulit itu.
Well, being different is not that difficult.
Namun saya kira tampil beda itu baik,
But I think being different is good,
yang akan tampil di film itu.
that would appear in that film.
Dalam beberapa minggu, saya bisa tampil.
Within a few weeks, I was performing,
saya tampil di Kennedy Center untuk pertama kalinya.
I debuted at the Kennedy Center.
karena mereka tidak ingin logo mereka tampil
because they didn't want their logos stamped
tampil dan menyatakan, "Kami bisa lakukan itu."
held their hands up and said, "We could do that,"
Bagaimana mungkin aku tampil gembira
How do you keep cheer
berusaha mencari tahu saya tampil setelah apa
trying to figure out what I'm coming behind
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