Indonesian to English
telat overdue
please wait
by Xamux Translate


  1. basi
    (bau, busuk, boyak, dingin, rasan, kedaluwarsa, klise, lama, kuno, tua, batal, gagal, luntur, muncus, rusak, sia-sia, tawar)
  2. dingin
  3. kasip
  4. kedaluwarsa
  5. kesiangan
  6. terlalai
  7. terlambat
  8. terlewat


  1. tepat
    (benar, jitu, kategoris, kena, langsung, pas, persis, positif, telak, betul, cocok, akurat, cermat, eksak, korek, saksama, teliti bernas, sahih)
telataho.'s characteristic ways, gestures, movements, etc.
telatenpatient, painstaking

Related Word(s)

always, late


? Bergaya itu seperti Kennedy, telat seperti 10 terhadap tiga ?
? Styled it like Kennedy, late like a 10 to three ?
Pelapor dini dan pelapor telat.”
Early filer and late filer."
dan akhirnya sampai terlalu telat.
and eventually it gets too late.
"Berapa banyak orang tua yang telat
"How many instances of late pick-ups
kejadian telat jemput.
instances of late pick-ups
kalau anda telat 10 menit waktu menjemput anak anda
If you pick your kid up more than 10 minutes late,
yang pindah ke distrik ini telat
on kids who moved into the district
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