Indonesian to English
telpon telephone
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Related Word(s)

call, phone, telephone


atau telpon Anda.
or your phone.
Lalu saya telpon mereka dan berkonsultasi
And I phoned them up and picked their brain
Mereka bahkan memasang nomor telepon: "Tolong telpon nomor ini
And they would put a number: "Please call this number
ia direktur program nasional kami. Ia akan menjawab telpon.
who's our director of national programs. He'll be on the phone.
lebih gemuk dari buku telpon,
was fatter than a telephone directory,
Telpon kabel pertama,
The very first landline telephones,
saya mendapat telpon di tengah malam
I got a phone call in the middle of the night
Mereka menjawab telpon yang ditujukan pada saya.
They answered my phone.
Mengambil beberapa gambar. Saya mengeluarkan telpon satelit saya.
Took a few photos. I got my satellite phone out.
Mereka mirip dengan aplikasi yang ada di telpon Anda,
And they're kind of like the apps on your phone,
Anda cukup bilang, saya telpon kalau saya sampai.
You just said, "I'll call you when I get there."
Telpon saya kalau sudah pulang kerja. Betul?
"Call me when you get off work." Right?
dr telpon genggam dan sms
via mobile phones and SMS,
seperti internet, telpon genggam -- yg memungkinkan kita berbuat lebih
the Internet, mobile phones -- that let us do more than consume,
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