Indonesian to English
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  1. kala
    (abad, era, kurun, masa, saat, periode, tempo, waktu, zaman, Akrab, Skorpio, jebakan, jerat, pancingan, perangkap)
  2. kali
  3. ketika
  4. masa
  5. saat
  6. durasi
  7. jangka waktu
  8. rentang waktu
  9. tenggang waktu
  10. lama
  11. periode
  12. term
  13. kelonggaran
  14. penangguhan
  15. pengunduran (waktu)
  16. penundaan (waktu)
  17. irama
  18. kecepatan
  19. ritme
tempoharisee TEMPO.
tempolongcuspidor, spittoon.
tempoyakk.o. salty condiment made of fermented durian.

Related Word(s)

due, excessively, expiration, just, lead, mature, matures, maturing, maturity, rope, stop, will


"Kakek anda melanggar parkir. Sudah lama jatuh tempo.
"Your grandfather has a parking violation. It's way overdue.
Kalau berat badan Anda tetap tinggi dalam tempo cukup lama,
If you stay at a high weight for too long,
Saya sangat tersentuh ketika melihat sebuah terobosan tempo hari.
I was very touched when I saw a breakthrough the other day.
dalam tempo satu dekade,
over the course of a decade,
Dan kemudian, efek keseluruhan seperti tempo dan volume
And then, overall effects like tempo and volume
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