Indonesian to English
terkunci be locked
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  1. terkancing
    (terkatup, terkunci, tertutup)
  2. terkatup

Related Word(s)

keyed, locked, locks, opposite, painted, sealed, snaps, unlocked


yang mobilnya di parkir terkunci dan
who has a locked parked car in the parking lot
karena semua bahan bakar mereka terkunci.
because their fuel supply was locked up.
adalah membawa toilet dari balik ruangan terkunci keluar.
is they've brought the toilet out from behind the locked door.
algoritma terkunci dalam lingkaran dengan yang lain,
algorithms locked in loops with each other,
Jika 3 persen saja karbon yang terkunci di lapisan es Arktik
If just three percent of the carbon locked up in the arctic permafrost
Saya merasa sistem rem anti terkunci bekerja dan mobil saya masih tetap berjalan
I felt the ABS kick in, and the car is still going,
Diplomat terkunci di daerah kedutaan besar.
Diplomats are locked in embassy compounds.
jarum ini terkunci dan kemudian patah.
it locks and breaks afterwards.
kekuatan data yang dikumpulkan ilmuwan lain masih terkunci
the power of the data that other scientists have collected is locked up
Tentu saja jika Anda ingin masuk ke dalam, kedua pintunya terkunci.
Of course if you want to go inside, the two doors are locked.
lalu terkunci di produk itu.
and then locked away in a building product.
Keempat mobil itu terkunci dalam lingkaran, tidak dapat dipisahkan.
Those four are locked in a pinwheel; you can't get them apart.
adalah anak-anak terkunci di dalam kamar mereka
is that children have been locked inside their rooms,
pikirannya terkunci di dalam tubuhnya.
his mind was locked inside his body.
dan berinteraksi dengan apa yang tadinya terkunci dari diri kita,
and interact with what was once locked away from us,
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