Indonesian to English
terpaksa be forced to
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  1. terdesak
    (terapit, terasak, terdorong, terhimpit, terjepit, terpaksa, terpepet, terpojok, tersenak, tersepit, terserondong, tersesak, tersudut, tertekan, tertindas, tertindih)
  2. tertekan
terpaksa haruscannot help
terpaksa mengaku salah dan minate humble pie
terpaksa mengaku salah dan minta maafeating humble pie

Related Word(s)

another, averse, being, compelled, complain, compulsion, constrained, constraint, designated, driven, emergency, fight, force, forced, go, grudgingly, had, have, incurred, keeps, loth, must, necessity, obliged, partial, perish, reluctance, residents, show


Ayah saya terpaksa mendengarkan khotbah Jumat
My father had to sit in a Friday sermon
Jadi terpaksa dia bilang, "Baiklah,
So he figured out. "Well," he said, "okay,
Dan saya berlayar, agak sedikit terpaksa saya kira,
And I'm smiling, sort of forced, I think,
Tentunya, karena dia terpaksa melakukannya
Well, of course, because she's forced into it
Maka pemerintah terpaksa membuat kita melakukan sesuatu yang sulit untuk memperbaikinya.
So government needs to make us do something painful to fix it.
Karena kelaparan, saya terpaksa putus sekolah.
Because of the hunger, I was forced to drop out of school.
("Agar tetap kompetitif di pasar saat ini, saya terpaksa menggantimu dengan seorang brengsek.")
("In order to remain competitive in today's marketplace, I'm afraid we're going to have to replace you with a sleezeball.")
yang menjadi alasan mengapa para ilmuwan terpaksa mengatakan
which is why scientists used to resort to saying
dengan yang terpaksa
from one that is forced or coerced
bahwa ia masih berkata, sangat terpaksa, "Benar-benar penting untuk memiliki banyak data."
that he was still saying, very forcibly, "It's really important to have a lot of data."
Setelah perang, kita terpaksa mengalihkan kemampuan produksi kita
After the war, we needed to direct our enormous production capacity
terpaksa meminum air yang terkontaminasi,
being forced to drink contaminated water
Dan orang-orang terpaksa datang ke penampungan ini untuk mendapatkan air minum yang aman.
And people are forced to come into the camps to get their safe drinking water.
Saat beliau berumur 14 tahun, beliau terpaksa
and when he was 14 years old, he was forced to
Saya sering terpaksa keluar dari jalan tol
And I often have to leave the freeway
terpaksa mengungsi akibat bencana alam di tahun 2010.
were displaced by natural disasters in 2010.
terpaksa mengungsi akibat bencana alam setiap tahunnya.
are displaced by natural disasters every single year.
Saya terpaksa bertanya pada diri saya.
I am forced to ask myself a question.
Jadi Anda terpaksa membuat obat baru Anda terlihat lebih baik.
And so you're bound to make your new drug look better.
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