Indonesian to English
tersesat be lost
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  1. bersat
  2. memeper (perahu)
  3. menyasar
  4. menyimpang
  5. salah jalan
  6. terpasah
  7. terpesong
tersesat -lose way
tersesat jauhgone far astray
tersesat; bingunglose one's bearing
tersesat; tertidurlose one's self

Related Word(s)

angel, astray, away, err, erred, erreth, erring, error, errs, excel, further, gone, knows, lagged, lost, might, misguided, misled, muslims, remained, saw, should, stayed, stray, strayed, strayeth, straying, strays, taghut, tarried, too, wander, wandered


Sesuatu terjadi ketika saya mulai bepergian di Hari-V delapan tahun lalu. Saya tersesat.
Something happened when I began traveling in V-Day, eight years ago. I got lost.
menjadi objek dimana Anda bisa tersesat di dalamnya.
to something you could get lost in.
Betapa indahnya jika kita tersesat di jalan-jalan kecil
How beautiful it is to lose ourselves in these little streets
Yang kedua adalah Columbus yang akhirnya bisa pergi ke India, tapi tersesat.
The second is Columbus finally gets funded to go to India, but he gets lost.
Sangat berbahaya jika tersesat di sana.
It's very dangerous to get lost in there.
karena mereka tersesat dalam pergaulannya
because they have lost their way socially
dan saya tersesat,
and I got lost,
dia tersesat.
he was lost.
bertanya-tanya apakah saya tidak tersesat di daerah asing.
wondering if I wasn't lost in a strange land,
Anda pikir saya tersesat,
You think I've lost my way,
Tapi sebelum saya bertemu dia, saya benar-benar tersesat.
But before I got to him, I was so lost.
bagi lebah yang tersesat.
for bees that might have lost their way.
jauh dari makanan, namun jelas dia benar-benar tersesat.
away from the food, but it is clearly completely lost.
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